Review of Memphis

Memphis (I) (2013)
Short movie but still too long
9 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This film wasn't offensive in any way but it was very puzzling, and at times tedious. There wasn't any plot or character development -- OK, it's billed as a sort of documentary, so I can accept that lack, but unfortunately there wasn't much of anything else, either. For example, the camera spent far too much time in closeups of people who were not doing anything or following (in foreshortened manner) a car driving apparently aimlessly. Those shots could have been given more depth had there been more of a soundtrack -- some music that might have expressed characters' thoughts or emotions or evoked some associations in viewers. (I have to say, for a movie entitled "Memphis" there was surprisingly little music.)

Some of the camera work was interesting -- the streetlight effects in one road scene, the Malick-like tree shots and the swamp, and the dancing scene. But there wasn't a context for any of it, or a point. I can't even think of it as neo-Warholian because there was a sort of storyline, and of course everything was staged (though I don't know what the script consisted of).

I think this could have been a decent short film, capturing a mood and a moment in someone's life, artistically and poetically, but at 75 minutes it just did not work.
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