Mozart in the Jungle (2014–2018)
Elegant, genuinely comical, and utterly fresh
4 January 2015
When I first saw this pop up on Amazon Instant Video I was skeptical as I had never watched an Amazon exclusive television series before. And I was well aware of the popularity of rival-Netflix's exclusives and found it hard to believe it would be a worthy competitor.

I stand corrected.

It took me a single day of blissful binge-watching to finish the entire first season and I must say I am impressed. The characters are strong and able to draw you in, the atmosphere and setting are captivating, and the music is simply top-notch. When all are tied neatly together it makes for a wondrously entertaining season.

And how could one forget: the comedy! Whilst of course it is entirely subjective, I found every episode to be wholesomely amusing. Every character is entertaining in their own right and not a single line seems unfit for purpose. The humour was exactly to my liking and did not fall into the trap so many comedies today do in which they attempt to be hilarious and unfortunately end up just being silly.

As expected, however, it is not perfect. One particular instance in which I found myself to eventually drift-off was the Rodrigo-Anna Maria sub-plot. I did not find this to be interesting, rather I thought it tiresome. Despite both characters being excellently written and the acting being spot-on, this didn't quite engross me like the rest of the show did.

In addition, a criticism I have (perhaps a minor one) pertains to the memorability of the characters. Specifically: their names! Maybe it was just me but halfway through the season I still only knew a couple of the characters' names. This could be in part to blame on my binge-watching manner, or, more worryingly, the writing. Regardless, I consider these to be minor blemishes upon the finished product.

Let us end on a high note: the music. The music is what makes this so fresh. If it weren't for the music, I do believe this would just be another average comedy. The music adds something more, a passion, as Rodrigo may say. It truly does draw you in and you really can feel the energy and enthusiasm. It's what makes this show stand out from the rest and what kept me enthralled, among other things.

I am absolutely delighted with the first season of Mozart in the Jungle and will be returning for season two.
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