And Now For Something Completely Different
12 April 2015
Before you complain that this completely ruins the franchise, you have to look at it as something different. This is supposed to be more along the lines of the Kickstarter video they created at the start of the campaign. For the most part, the actors are playing parodies of themselves, NOT the Veronica Mars characters. If you go into it looking as if the actors are playing the characters and not themselves, you will be sorely disappointed at the outcomes. Overall, it was a fun way to watch the actors themselves enjoy spending time together in a way that was different than an interview or them acting like the characters, and you could see that they clearly are proud of the Veronica Mars story. My favorite two characters parodying themselves were Francis Capra and Percy Daggs III, as their characters least matched their television persona. The story Ryan "creates" has a ridiculous ending that seems fit for a Scooby Doo cartoon and is a great nod to how complex the storyline in VM often gets. At first I thought that there were more F-bombs in it that I thought were necessary until I remembered reading a story about the one use of the word in the movie. Complete with a ton of inside jokes for Marshmallows, this is a fun diversion from the seriousness of the show and movie that breaks down a bit of the proverbial fourth wall.
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