The Fappening (2015)
Great B movie horror flick
8 September 2015
Understand going into this that it's not an "A" level production or actors, but it's a well done horror film, clearly done on a low budget. There are a lot of actors in this that have an insane amount of IMDb credits, even though they're far from household names, so good for them for staying at it. Among the cast is Joel M. Reed a cult director from the seventies. I didn't know he was still alive much less acting, there's also Lloyd Kaufman from Troma Team who seems to be a standard cameo for any low budget horror film. There are also several B- movie "scream queens" that I never heard of going into this and you may not have heard of either that do a good job and again have like a million IMDb credits. Good sex, nudity and decent gore.
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