Great Episode: A Study in Quick Judgment
26 October 2015
Sometimes the authorities have feet of clay. What looks open and shut proves to be anything but. This episode begins with Jane having an abortion. At the same time, a young single mother faces the terror of having her child kidnapped. Jane's guilt plays a factor in this episode, although it is delicately downplayed. A man who has been convicted as a pedophile is immediately made a suspect, and because the woman who has lost her child saw him once in a park, it is assumed he is guilty. No other suspects are investigated. Also, there is damning stuff brought out and, hence, the police become relentless. At one point the cops are sent to pick him up. He runs and he is beaten and ultimately thrown in front of a van. This is a really intense episode where we get to see how cockeyed things can get when objectivity flies out the window. The acting is superb, particularly that of the guy who is being pursued. Mirren is solid, as usual. This series which I had never heard of, is a hallmark of British television.
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