The Muppets. (2015–2016)
Very disappointing
30 October 2015
Several weeks back, I caught the first episode of this new series. I was pretty let down by the results. But I decided to stick with it for a little while, seeing that sometimes it takes a few episodes for a show to find its groove, and because my love for the Muppets goes way back to when I was a child.

I've now seen several more episodes, and to be quite frank, the show doesn't seem to have improved. One of the big problems with the show is that the Muppets on this show don't seem like the Muppets that we once knew. Kermit is now a spineless wimp. Miss Piggy is very mean- spirited and without a vulnerable side. Fozzie Bear now has a human girlfriend, and it's hinted he has sex with her.

That last observation about Fozzie Bear brings up another problem with the show - trying to have an adult "edge". I can't speak for everyone, but I think the show's attempts at adult innuendo is, well, both wrong and weird. References to drugs, sex, alcohol, and other such topics seem out of place for these characters. I can understand wanting to appeal to adults, but the ironic thing is that the original Muppet show back in the 1970s appealed to both kids AND adults even though it was squeaky clean.

Actually, I might have accepted the more adult tone and the changed characters had the show been funny, but it isn't. While I have occasionally laughed at one of this show's gags, most of the attempts at humor have been lame and obvious. One reason for this may be that the show is more cynical in nature and seems reluctant to have the joy and innocence the original show had. The downbeat nature makes it hard for the writers (or audience) to have any fun.

Worst of all, my favorite Muppet, Rowlf, has been demoted to a bit part! Anyway, as I said in my summary line, this show is a real disappointment. I won't be surprised if it's cancelled at the end of the season.
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