Into the Badlands (2015–2019)
So where do you set the bar? What do you expect?
14 December 2015
Whether or not this is your cup of tea depends on your expectations.

If you are a Mad Max junkie, you are going to be in heaven.

If you like Kung Fu and WuShu then you are going to have to patiently sit through some so-so melodrama to get to the fight scenes. Which are pretty good. (Don't laugh -- an entire generation did this with Carradine's KUNG FU in the 70s)

If you like BOTH a solid story AND martial arts (like Forbidden Kingdom, for example, one of the best films of that genre) you may be disappointed.

If you remember the superb work that Gough and Milar did with Smallville (the first few seasons were polished gems, arguably the best work ever done with the DC franchise) you will be very very very disappointed.

So, bottom line, you get from the party what you bring to the party.
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