Out of Time (2012)
1968 or 2012
30 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Josh Appignanesi" is a British, 4.5-minute short film from 4 years ago written and directed by Josh Appignanesi. the two actors in here (Hiddleston and Dockery) are among the most famous the UK has to offer at this point, but sadly not even they could succeed in turning this pretentious script into a good movie. I kinda liked the choice to let us only see the characters and not let us see them talk. But what we see in here and the voice-overs are so mediocre and yet so try-hard in becoming as artistically relevant as possible that this little movie turns out a very pretentious watch. Always disappointing to see a good cast like this wasted, even if it is just two people. Story was basically non-existent too. I do not recommend it. Thumbs down.
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