Marauders (2016)
The unbelievably convoluted plot line sinks it --
30 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
-- despite a fine lead performance by Meloni.

Which is too bad, really, because the cinematography is quite good (digital's getting closer to celluloid every year) and a few of the supporting roles are well-acted (Grenier's in particular).

But then there's the story. Oh mother of God the story...


It's something about a shady bank president, played by Bruce Willis, whose banks keep getting robbed in particularly brutal fashion. The trail leads the tough FBI agent in charge of the investigation (Meloni) to members of an elite special forces team and then -- wait for it - - to ANOTHER special forces team, both of which are tied in, somehow, with the kidnapping and murder of Willis's younger brother several years before.

A corrupt Ohio Senator and a missing-and-presumed dead ex-special forces op also figure in the (incomprehensible) proceedings.

I defy anyone to see this movie once and summarize the plot line. It's like the filmmakers tried to pack 4 hours worth of story into a 2- hour running time, and failed in the attempt.

All in all, a missed opportunity. I happen to love smart intense heist movies (such as HEAT, THE TOWN, THIEF, etc), but this wasn't one of them.
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