Review of Zhit

Zhit (2012)
Incredibly heavy movie representing horrific Russian reality.
16 June 2017
The movie creates a gloomy mood by all of the components: monotone shoegaze music, colors, characters, the rude manners of talking and acting, cruelty, swearing. Even the pet name for your beloved here will be "goat" in a rude form.

I always ask myself if movies like that should exist, cause on one hand they demonstrate the reality and on another hand don't bring anything positive. Maybe they should only exist for Russians to see the worse part of themselves from the side, however, I would rather go for treatment by beauty.

P.S. "Mama" is not a male name, as it's mentioned in another review, it means "mother" and is used in the movie as a parenthesis to express kind of shock.
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