Trahisons (2016)
Spy drama comes to life in the second half
28 June 2017
As "The Exception" (2016 release from the UK and Belgium) opens, we are told it is "Berlin, May 1940" (the Nazis have just invaded Belgium, Holland and France). For reasons not yet clear, the Nazis decide to send Captain Brandt to Utrecht, the Netherlands to guard the exiled Kaiser Willem II. As Brandt settles in, he starts a passionate affair with Mieke, one of the local maids working for Willem II, and she reveals to him she is Jewish. Along the way, we also start to know the thinking of Willem II and his wife, who both still are hoping for a return to the throne. Then the news comes that the Nazis have intercepted morse code transmissions made from the nearby village that an English spy is trying to infiltrate Willem II's entourage. At this point we are 15 min. into the movie, but to tell you more of the plot would spoil your viewing experience, you'll just have to see for yourself how it all plays out.

Couple of comments: this is the feature-length debut of British director David Leveaux (best known for directing theater plays). Here he brings the book "The Kaiser's last kiss" to the big screen. I have not read the book so I don't know how closely the film's script stays to the book. Given that this is a spy-related drama, one mustn't say too much that could give clues about how it all plays out (biting my tongue!). Let me just comment in general that the movie drags a bit (for me, anyway) in the first half, but really comes to life in the second half. Christopher Plummer continues his recent streak of great performances (check out last year's "Remember" if you haven't seen it yet!) in his role as Willem II, and Jai Courtney is fine as Capt. Brandt. But for me the movie was stolen, in the best possible way, by up-and-coming (and stunningly beautiful) British actress Lily James in her role as the local maid Mieke. Surely we have not seen the last of her. Bottom line: this is a fine movie, bringing a mix of spy drama and romance.

"The Exception" has been available on VOD since early June, so imagine my surprise when this recently showed up at my local art-house theater here in Cincinnati. The Tuesday evening screening where I saw this at was attended quite nicely (about 10 people in the theater). If you are in the mood for an ol' fashioned spy-romance movie, you could do a lot worse than watching "The Exception", be it in the theater, on VOD or eventually on DVD/Blu-ray.
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