Review of Fonzy

Fonzy (2013)
Fonzy: But why?
6 November 2018
Fonzy is the French remake of the excellent French Canadian movie Starbuck (2011) Which was also remade as a Bollywood movie and got the Holllywood treatment in 2013 as The Delivery Man.

It's one of the those bizzare remakes which is an almost scene for scene clone complete with near identical script. Which begs the question, why?

Truly what is the point? It's even in the same language as the original so there is no accessibility issue for people who don't like subtitles.

Once again it tells the story of a man approached by a lawyer and notified that he has over 500 children via sperm donations he made 20yrs prior. A percentage of the kids want to know who he is and a court case will take place.

Truth be told it's a wonderful story, the original was excellent and even the US version was highly enjoyable but what's with all the senseless remakes?

Fonzy is a competently made version, it just shouldn't have been made.

Want to see this wonderful story? Watch Starbuck (2011) instead.

The Good:

The same sweet, heartfelt story

Lead was competent

The Bad:

Simply shouldn't exist

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

I'll never understand the logic of carbon copy remakes
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