A few too many songs but otherwise enjoyable.
20 January 2019
Ken (Don Ameche) is a Broadway producer with a string of three flops on his hands. Not surprisingly, he has a hard time getting financing for a new show...that is until Donna Davis (Cobina Wright) agrees to finance him. Of course, there's a string attached...she must be the star of the program. This is a serious problem, as Donna is talentless. And, to make it worse, she thinks she's great and has a prima donna personality to match!

When Don meets Jeanie (Janet Blair) he plans on putting her into the show. Perphaps she cannot play the lead but she can help the show significantly. Soon, however, the tempermental Donna quits the show...and Don agrees to make the unknown Jeanie a star. But, being temperamental, Donna soon returns and out of spite insists Jeanie be fired. When the play is finally put on, it turns out to be a complete bomb. What can Don do to salvage the show AND his reputation? And, what can Don do about Jeanie....a girl he's come to love?

This movie is a bit of a hard sell for me, simply because I don't usually like films with tons of production numbers...and this one has one or two too many. I found myself going to the bathroom, getting a drink or picking my nose a lot...at least until the not so memorable numbers ended. I did like the performing dogs, however....and the film could have used more of them!

Overall, a somewhat predictable musical with a few too many songs and some excellent acting. Worth seeing...but far from a must-see.

By the way, if you do watch the film, get a load of that lady pianist. She is INCREDIBLE!!
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