Combat High (1986 TV Movie)
Following the same steps of Police Academy!!
2 January 2020
I'm glad to make a review on Combat Academy, which I was rented it on first time in 1990 on VHS, the producers don't had any shame to cover the Police Academy concept, although the results weren't the same, having in the main character Keith Gordon, they have been betted all your chips at once, certainly it was a mistakes, apart from him, there no other funny character, instead on Police Academy had a dozen them.

Also the plot is weak, all those fake combat over American against Russian is too boring, the highlight was the well-timed introduction of the promising star George Clooney, also a glaring miscasting of romantic pair of Gordon Sgt. Andrea (Dana Hill) she was enable to the role, she hadn't any sexy appeal properly speaking.

Gordon was gifted however after good movies disappeared from the large screen, whatever happens l don't know, overall Combat Academy is just watchable and never was released on DVD format in Brazil!!


First watch: 1990 / How many: 3 / Source: VHS-DVD-R / Rating: 5.5.
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