Revenge (II) (2017)
this movie is only graded 6.3 because people think it's unrealistic.
10 April 2020
Does it matter that much? are gore films usually realistic as hell? this isn't a biopic or a real life drama or something like that. it's a bloody violent movie that keeps you entertained throughout its length. Plus, it's becautifully filme it has great camera shots and cool music. yeah it's not the most realistic piece, but cmon does it really needs to be? i think in some movies you don't need absolute realism or factual truth. you just go for the ride, and if it's a fun one, the rest doesn't matter that much-

it's a fun movie. it has lots of blood, some gory scenes and a heroine - it could play as a comic book too and it would be very interesting at it. Superhero movies are 0 realistic and still have good grades. This one at least is better shot and has a really cool cinematography. if you don't watch it expecting a schindler's list you will like it.
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