Murder Manual (2020)
A Collection of Previously Released Short Films, gathered together...
31 May 2020
"Murder Manual" is a collection of short films released in the 2010 decade, grouped together with an attempt to put them in a "theme" that doesn't really work. The films are mostly supernatural in nature, and the attempt to make them connected just doesn't really succeed, especially trying to connect them as "steps in a murder."

The films are of varying quality, some good some not so good. Included is a short film called "Shackled" which Emilia Clarke did back in 2012 (early on in her GOT timeline) and they rather cynically split the film into two parts to make it look like a "wraparound" story. "Shackled" is only 12 minutes in length in total, so if you're watching for Emilia, you'll be disappointed. But it gave them a big name star to use to push the film.

As a fan of short horror films, I was sort of entertained. But not sure it's for everyone.
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