Entertaining, bittersweet and thoughtful
10 July 2020
I was expecting a light comedy but this turned out to be much much more. The main storyline is our lead actor discovering clues that his wife is going to cheat on him, if she hasn't already done so. But how could this happen? They have a perfectly happy life with an adorable young son and jobs they like. They don't have any martial problems, as far as he knows. Surely there must be an innocent explanation for his perfect wife's behavior? As his desperation mount and not willing to share his fear with his best friends and colleagues, he anonymously asked for advices in a popular public forum. Thus began a series of hilarious acts to find out the truth and deal with it.

Aside from the comic relief provided by the supporting casts and the funny notion of his story becoming a top trending topic online, this show is surprisingly dark in tone. It realistically portraits the fear, pain, despair and anger our leading man experiences. Quite surprisingly, this is also done in an understated manner that I find is inline with his introvert and stoic personality. This makes his character believable and easy to identify with.

What about the wife's story and motivation? Is she really guilty of the assumed betrayal? Why? The show's perspective is mostly from the husband's and my biggest criticism of this show is comparatively not giving the wife sufficient screen time to develop her side of the story. Is that misogyny of the show, or mine in finding her motivation less believable because I am a man?

Regardless I have been really touched by the story and the performance of our leads. I feel for them and got drawn into their lives, their introspection and their dilemma. I must confess that quite a few times my predictions were wrong and that makes for a very gripping, if not always enjoyable, experience.

I highly recommend this show provided you are not looking for a laugh out loud comedy.
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