Review of Tracker

Tracker (2001–2002)
Highlander Retardo
30 July 2020
Adrian Paul pretends to be brain dead in Tracker. He is an alien soul that gets sent from planet Uranus to track down 218 escaped criminals. While the other aliens inhabit living human bodies, Adrian Paul possesses a cardboard advertising poster on the side of the road. So he starts out brainless, and it gets worse from there.

When Paul takes over the cardboard poster, he makes it into a three dimensional being. How he creates flesh and blood out of cardboard is never discussed. However, Paul has no brain, so he walks like a toy robot, and he always has his mouth open, and tries his best to look mentally defective. Paul is great as a moron, but not very good as a tracker.

Most of the criminals take advantage of his mental deficiency and get away or beat him up in every episode. Eventually Paul tracks them down, walking like the Frankenstein Monster on LSD. Very funny in a very pathetic way. What was Adrian Paul thinking?

Paul has an alien criminal sidekick, Nestov, who is the most racially offensive stereotype that I have ever seen on TV. Imagine Huggy Bear from Starsky & Hutch, or Jar-Jar Binks from Star Wars Phantom Menace, but even worse. It is hard to watch when that guy is on. It is offensive on numerous levels. Adrian Paul also treats the guy in a very condescending manner, which just adds to the racists overtones.

The rest of the cast is wooden. Mel plays the woman who finds him on the road. She takes him home in spite of the bizarre and creepy behavior. She gives him a place to live, and lets Paul destroy all her electric appliances so that he can customize them into alien tracking systems. Just a totally ridiculous relationship. Because Adrian Paul has the personality of a four year old boy, Mel treats him like a child, and the relationship between them is weird in a sicko way.

The TV series is just horrible. There are some good episodes with interesting aliens and ideas, but most of it is some kind of romance sit-com without any romance, because the lead guy is brain dead.
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