Very mild conclusion totally ruins film.
7 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This film was rather interesting as I kept wondering how it was going to end. Then it ended in very mundane fashion so it lost a couple of points. I mean, I can be asked to forgive the insane plot and the lack of puppet people action, but seriously, you want to end your movie without a real conclusion to speak of? That being said the film also just lacked other things one tends to see in a shrink film like a few more sets and such, but one thing this one had that others lacked? A guy working in a theater who constantly offered to get coffee!

The story has a woman interviewing for a secretary job which she literally decides against, most likely due to the creepy vibe of the office, home to a doll maker. Well, he literally begs her to take the job and she does. She also falls in love with a salesman played by John Agar who wants to get engaged with her after like two weeks. He mysteriously disappears and the secretary immediately thinks that her employer turned him into a doll...I mean, good guess, but what normal person would even think this? Soon she finds herself shrunk and when it is revealed how he shrinks people, one has to wonder how the old man ever got the jump on any of them!

The effects are okay, the scale not the best as the phone should have been larger and the paint cans bigger. John Agar is his usual dull self, but the doctor is good. The main thing that drags this film down though is the strange non conclusion as all that happens is Agar and the secretary get big, kind of push the old man aside and the end. There were literally a bunch of other puppet people whose fate was still up in the air; however, who cares, lets just end this!

So, it could have been much better with a decent ending. One expects the crazed scientist to get his comeuppance, but here he just gets a mild push. He also was not a scientist, but a doll creator so one really does have to question his ability to make a shrink ray in the first place. No matter, he has his good friend who puts on one heck of a show and likes to explain it in detail so the puppet people can find a way to escape!
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