Rent-A-Girlfriend (2020–2025)
Not What I Expected
26 January 2021
Plot: this is where this anime lacks. This season seamed a sort of an introduction that leads the characters to find their feelings. The point around witch this story spins is very weak.

Animation: The best part along the drawings. Very well done and smooth. A lot of compliments!

Drawings: The best part along the animation! They are very well done, defined and easy to follow. Moreover the choice of the colour is stunning (or at least I found it very amusing). Tons of compliments!

Conclusions: the technical side of this anime is literally high level but it really lacks in the plot with a lot of back and forth and some absurd or nonsense scenes. Chizuru is the only grown up here. I expected more moral stuff about using girls as rental or something like that, but at the and girls are quite depicted as objects.
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