Ken Loach in Turkey.
7 April 2021
Or may I also say Hector Babenco - the author of PIXOTE - the Brazilian masterpiece speaking of poverty, ghettos and the urban jungle where it is a terrible struggle to survive. The most painful in watching this kind of feature is to think that there are tons of them which remain under the radar of the distributors and other festivals. Thanks to Netflix to release them. This movie is however a bit smoother than PIXOTE, though remaining very dark and gloomy. I also found a tiny relation between this film and Fritz Lang's MOONFLEET, because of the adult child relationship, a touching and poignant line for this unforgettable film. But maybe this is a bit too artificial, destined to make audiences weep. But that's my own opinion and that doesn't remove anything from this movie, that could have taken place in Mexico or any Central America country, where poverty spreads like a plague.
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