Review of Ashes

Ashes (IX) (2018)
Mostly enjoyable film, nice callbacks.
19 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was a decent B horror flick. I enjoyed the Evil Dead camera snakes to zoom in and close ups. I enjoyed the special effects (there is some gore), script, and characters. And the multi-racial aspect was a great bonus. And there were some nice thrill/subtle scares. This is actually a comedy and does well in weaving comedic elements in at moments.

The characters are mostly interesting.

I felt the film barreled into a lesser version of itself at the end, the last 30 mins of so. And if you actually consider the story it is a bid sad and tragic.

I say give this a whirl if you are a fan of paranormal horror, some gore, or comedic elements (not laugh out loud). It's not going to frighten you, and hit you with forced surprises or startles but you might enjoy it. I'd recommend it as a light horror movie, and enjoyed watching this mockumentary horror film.
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