A beautiful mess of a game
17 November 2021
I'd give it a ten but the game is a bit messy. In reality, I'd give it about an 8.5 but I am rounding it up to a 9 for charm.

Story- Guardians of the Galaxy The Game is a fantastic adventure that makes it feel like you're watching a 30 hour long Marvel movie. Every voice actor killed it and it was a thrill from beginning to end. The biggest gripe I have is losing some of the jokes and deep plot points to interruptions from other characters.

Combat- It's not the worst, not the greatest. You play exactly how Starlord should play in a video game- providing almost nothing to the team in terms of battle. Instead, you must rely on staying elusive and setting up your stronger team members for massive damage. This combat system works, but it leaves a lot to be desired. When your teammates are on cool down, you realize how bad the combat can be.

Replayability- Game is replayable a time or two. The game offers choices that will change the story slightly. It will leave you dreaming about "What if?" when it came to the other options. Most likely you will play it a second time just to collect some costumes and see a dozen or so scenes that you wish you picked the other option for.

The issues- The biggest issue I have with this game is the interruption. They recorded thousands of hours of dialogue and wanted to make sure it was all inside their game. Countless times I've been dying to here the rest of what someone was trying to say but it was either interrupted by another character or I was forced to make a choice.

There are a lot of times in combat where things get a little too hectic. Heroes and villains flying around the level, falling into unreachable places, and teleporting to make sure they can land their blow. It was really annoying to see the final blow drop-kick animation of Peter Quill miss by ten feet, but the monster still reacts. There is a lot of missed connections in this game.

Lastly, the game was also notorious for going into "combat" mode and never leaving it. About 6 times through the game, my characters would enter diplomatic situations with all of their weapons drawn and I'd be like "Wait what? Is this part of the story?" I didn't realize it was a bug until Drax crossed his arms and put both of his knives into his chest mid-conversation. The bug would remain until you fully reset the game.

If I could sum up this game in as few words as possible, I would say that it normally wouldn't be worth buying but this title absolutely floats on it's own charisma. The amount of charm stuffed into this game makes it almost impossible not to forgive its failings.
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