Personally ........ I can't figure this out BUT NOT for the faint of heart
9 May 2022
Spaghetti Western? Yep. Made in Spain instead of Italy. Dark western. Yep. Arty film? Yep. Great cast? Absolutely. Shock factor for shock factor value only. Yep. Blood and guts? TONS of it! Good writing? Not sure. I have no idea what the story line is - other than a town filled with very angry people and some religious ones too. But a story. Haven't found it yet. Black bag and all. Visually: Absolutely stunning.

Even the music is reminiscent of another series, but I'll be darned if I can remember which one. Makin' me nuts! Like this series!

Once you think you have it figured it out - you don't. Now I'm conflicted. Should I call this a spoiler? I doubt it. If you stick with this series - you know what you're in for much sooner than later. And you'll be reminded very often.
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