Le Fantôme de l'espace (1966–1968)
Galactic Spiritual Guardian
6 June 2022
This is another of my favorite Hanna Barbara cartoons. I was introduced to this cartoon mainly from of course "Cartoon Network" which use to be the Nick at Nite of animated shows (damn I miss both channels when they used to be fresh and good). I was led to Space Ghost after seeing "Space Ghost: Coast to Coast" (story for another time), this of course motivated me in finding the regular source and I was pleasantly surprised.

Yes, I know there is that other cartoon "Dino Boy" which I'll admit is the weak point of the show, I like the concept of the show, and it was watchable, but I honestly didn't find memorable, which is why I can easily fast forward thought the segments. Though this could just be my matter of preference, if you like it that's fine. It was also a lost opportunity in a way, if Hanna Barbara had the rights that show could have been an animated adaptation of the comic series "Turok: Son of Stone" man "Turok" and "Space Ghost" side by side that would have been something.

Now that's out of the way lets get down to business, I really like the animation which is of course in the same style as Hanna Barbara which I'm fine with as I wouldn't want it any other way. I really like the music in the show which is almost jazzy tunes but also a little of the sci-fi tunes at the time which fits; there is that intro which is solid and simple as you hear the tune, the announcement of the title, and just images of ongoing action. Just seeing those images just pumps you up, telling you your in for out of this world action and adventure. I really like the universe and the mythology that this show has despite the show not having a great amount of depth. But that was common in most of these pulp hero stories where they were more focused on the action, adventure and what the main hero does, and I don't mind.

Space Ghost he's another in my long list of favorite pulp heroes, in the sci-fi category like Flash Gordon, Doctor Who, etc. It makes sense Hanna Barbara would create him as the sci-fi genre was big in the 50's and 60's; as well as the fame of the pulp comic series "Flash Gordon". The show was also somewhat revolutionary as there weren't any cartoons based on any superhero properties from DC and Marvel at the time, at least until the later years.

Space Ghost is just cool, really love the voice for him as he is done by one of my favorite voice actors Gary Owens who always had the golden voice though I was introduced to him as he played the voice of "Powdered Toast Man" from "Ren and Stimpy" but that's a story for another time.

Not really much to the guy on depth and personality as he's pretty much the strait-laced heroic archetype you would typically see in most animated shows as well as live action shows of yesteryear, but he's still fun as he has some memorable lines and also just says them so well, his voice is just music to my ears.

Space Ghost in a way could almost be like Judge Dredd (I said almost) but in space. Just like Dredd he never takes the hood off, we never see what he looks like ever, so there is not a ghost of a chance you'll see his face. But that is fine by my because to me that is his face and part of his trademark as it gives him that mystique. Which fits as we never hear anything about his origins or who he even is as a person.

Just like Dredd he is the job, he's a man of action that will do what is necessary to enforce law and order in the galaxy. Really like the outfit which is cool with the black and white coloring which fits him and makes it true to his title as those colors are associated with ghosts being unseen forces.

I really love those arm band weapons which are one of my favorite fictional weapons of all time. Those arm band just about have every function that he needs from shooting out those lasers, freeze rays, shield, invisibility, just anything as it seems like those wrist bands as just programed and armed for every worst-case scenario.

There are like with most pulp heroes those inconsistencies, like what keeps his hands from burning from the rays is his fabric made of some fireproof material. How the heck does he know which button does what as all the buttons on his wrist band are colored alike; how is he able to breathe in space and plenty more questions you'll ask while watching this show.

Supporting characters are fine whom consist of two kids and a cute blue monkey. Their another weak point in the show as their characters I could easily take or leave. Granted they're not annoying nor totally useless, they are useful in some instances, even though Space Ghost himself could have figured those things out and got out himself. I also know with every hero/superhero you can't leave totally by his/her lonesome as they need a supporting character to bounce right off to get dialog out of the show and bring out their character, but they could have made it people that were more useful and cooler.

I really like the rogue gallery who are colorful and memorable, in a way their kind of the highlight of the entire show as their kind of the more interesting characters and each are unique and have personalities.

Zorak whom are Mantis like aliens the typical fascist alien force that wants to dominate the galaxy, he's kind of cool really like the voice. I'll admit whenever I hear him, I can't help but have a small smile on my face despite a villain to be taken seriously; still I love the voice as it's just music to my ears as it just pure delicious deviousness.

Moltar whom is pretty much true to his name as he is at a computer and controls and creates creatures and other things from molten lava. Even like this mystic about him as he is always in a heat suit and we never see what he looks like without it, whether he's an alien, robot, or human it's up to you as your guess is as good as mine. Though the only disappointment with him is that we never really get to see him physically fight "Space Ghost" as all he does is man a computer console.

The only misfire to me about the show is Space Ghost comes off at times a little too powerful. It seems like Space Ghost always has a counterattack or solution almost without thinking about it, as if it just came out of his pocket. Also, some battles can be a little one sided, not to say that the foes he fights aren't challenging, nor does Space Ghost not have his struggles. But it doesn't feel like he really had a foe that can really match his power, or the challenge wasn't heightened enough. But due to how fun the action is this is something I can let slide.

It would be cool if there was some sort of reboot somewhere along the line but that might not likely happen. Though personally if anything I mainly want a comic book series from "DC Comics" they did do a miniseries back in 2000 which was awesome. From that miniseries alone a comic book series is possible as this show has a mythology that is worth exploring, building, and expanding upon. Well, it's a thought to fly on anyway.

Space Ghost flies high.

Rating: 3 and a half stars.
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