season 2 took a nosedive
27 July 2022
Season One was entertaining but the gimmick does wear thin after a while. Also seems painfully behind the times - featuring single women who pine desperately to get married and talk about it all the time.

Still, as it was a unique show, with some good actors, we go along with it. The lead male, and architect, is a what we would say now, "on the spectrum", a high functioning autistic character who has difficulty dealing with all people and thus spends most of his time out of work - where he spends most of his time - alone at home entertaining himself.

He first goes to the hospital as he has a stomach malaise, and then proceeds to go almost every day it seems to consult with a femal Dr there, who he gradually seems to like. In spite of his uncensored blurts of often extremely blunt speech, extremely unJapanese I might add, he seems to make an impression on her. I should note that his speech gets him in trouble with everyone, at work, in restaurants etc.

If this sounds like a thin plot, it is. Basically a series of inept interactions and apologies, interspersed with women getting together and whining about unfulfilled love lives. Kind of pathetic to see working women so infantilized in this show. His family is not much better, with his mother deperately trying to matchmake him at all times. The Dr is one of the few to hold her own and keep her character intact and mature, dealing with the architect and her patients and friends.

Season 2 is more of the same, but the lead male is older with much less of the little charm he had in S1. Frankly he spends his time openly sneering at people and any niceties he acquired in S1 seem to have been lost. This makes all the essentially copied and pasted plot line from S1, with new women of course, redundant and frankly unappealing now. Who cares about a well into middleaged bachelor with no redeeming social values, with half the show devoted to people talking about him in frustration behind his back?

Not I.
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