'She's our mother, she has to love us, it's her job.'
19 September 2022
This is a very strange "Amazon Original" movie. I was anxious to see it because of Naomi Watts, I like her and she usually picks excellent projects. But my wife watched the trailer and decided she would skip.

Two boys, twins, are played by real-life identical twins, I figure they were about 10 or 11. Cute kids but pretty mediocre actors. Their father is bringing them back to mommy after a visit but she does not greet them on arrival. The boys go inside, the home is rural with a barn and fields, and eventually they find her with a full-face bandage-mask that closes in the back with Velcro. They are puzzled, they had no advance knowledge of this. And very soon, only about 17 minutes in, they see and hear things that make them suspect the woman isn't really their mother. And that is essentially what the movie is about, the boys trying to solve this riddle.

The last 20 minutes or so, and the ending, reveal a number of things, but not everything makes sense, when you think what was shown in the first half of the movie. When it ended I believe I figured out what was going on, a twist that seems to negate most of what was presented, but it is done in a way that isn't very clear.

So I can't rate this movie very high, the script and acting are just so-so, I watched the whole thing because I was curious to see where it was heading but when it was over I found it to be mostly unsatisfying. My wife made a good decision to skip.

At home, on Amazon Streaming movies.
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