Review of Abandoned

Abandoned (III) (2022)
Not worth watching
26 October 2022
Was this really just a movie about a baby with colic and a mom with postpartum depression who needed her meds?

Ok, initially, this felt like it was gonna be a good haunter of a movie. I thought the setup was pretty good. The remote setting, haunted house and its history, creepy neighbor, husband gone all the time and a wife who's fighting psychotic episodes. They had the right pieces. They just didn't know how to put them all together.

Exactly how did the ending get resolved? I'm super confused how she made it all better. They explained nothing. I don't get it. Were the things she saw even real or were they just psychotic episodes, cuuuuz things magically got better when she went back on her meds. What's with the pigs? What's with the other kids that nobody knew about? What's with the flies?
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