A bad movie that fails to get off the ground...
7 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Another unexceptional and boring movie common in the straight to Streaming Service era. The behind the scenes interview with Director Mary Nighy and Anna Kendrick implies it was intentionally subtle but irregardless of the intent the execution was poor. The movie is full of setups that aren't acted upon. The resulting execution is a movie that never really starts.

The movie plot at its core is a uninspired story about an insecure girl with a mousey personality that has her sense of self is overpowered by the stronger personality of her boyfriend. Of course Hollywood portrays it as the dudes fault as an abuser in a relationship despite never laying a hand on her or threatening her in anyway. Yet his very being and thoughts are framed as physiologically abuse.

The only thing amazing about this movie was that it got made but within an ecosystem where the demand for content grossly exceeds supply by a wide margin, the formula for Green-lighting movie projects has devolved to where any sceenplay that manages to sign a known actor to a role gets made. The bar has literally dropped to a recognizable face for the DVD cover art.
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