The Family Stallone (2023– )
Sly the reality show director - no depth to be found
21 June 2023
Oh how I wanted this to be good, to catch a glimpse of the real Sylvester Stallone, superhero for every +40 something out there. What is he like waking up, does he cook, how much does he work out, does he do chores around the house, take the dogs for a walk, does he eat pizza in front of the TV and falls asleep with a beer on his lap ... If that's what u expect from this reality show then I have to disappoint you. From the get go it is clear that Sly agreed to do this show only to make his daughters rise to fame because he feels that he's in the last stage of his life and time is running out.

The problem is that Sylvester Stallone can't let go of directing, of keeping control of every aspect in his life. The man is not interested in sharing anything profound with the fans, even in this "reality" show he plays a 24/7 cool guy which is just ridiculous at his age. He has major issues with his +20 year old daughters having boyfriends, he wants them "to stop wasting valuable time" with simply dating guys, imagine that ! It's called living Sly, living and learning and experiencing heartache. But no, Mr Stallone doesn't want any of it, his daughters need to stay with him forever because he's 76 years old and he worked all his life, mostly missing out on every major milestone of his children's lives and now he wants to catch up. Well Sly, who told you to shoot Tulsa King, at the age of 76, being the multimillionair you are, in a different state and be gone from home for 6 months ? He doesn't NEED to do anything anymore, he even states that he's "done" with shooting far away from home, he wants to be with his family he says. But then why does he have at least 5 more movies in preproduction ??

Anyway, Frank Stallone is in almost every episode even though in the 1st episode the girls spill that they never ever see uncle Frank ... So again Sly is pushing Frank into the spotlights. In that same 1st episode there is a cameo from (a very old) Al Pacino, no idea what that was all about, it looked like a geriatric gathering.

Every episode takes 19 minutes so you don't really waste time but I'm afraid most people will have a different opinion of Mr Stallone after seeing this. And as a last remark : the man doesn't do kisses. He doesn't kiss his wife or his daughters, he kinda hugs and throws a cheek .. Again no idea what that is all about.

Conclusion : I tell everyone to watch the "Arnold" documentary, I really loved it, Schwarzenegger doesn't play roles, what u see is what u get. He lives alone and feeds his donkey & pony and smokes cigars and he is content with what he achieved in life.

Sylvester Stallone is another story .. even though this is obviously not a documentary, I'm quite certain an Arnold reality show would be more fun and more honest to watch.
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