Elex II (2022 Video Game)
Could have been an 8 or even a 9 but...
16 July 2023
Chapter 3 and 4 completely fell apart. Plot points and character reactions do not make sense in the end of the game. Chapters 1 and 2 were fantastic, but all the great pacing was placed in this first half of the game as well. Elex 1 was a solid 7, and 2 was poised to beat it in every way, but sloppiness and a disappointing final 5-6 hours tears it down.

The problems mainly lie with the relationships that were built upon throughout the game, as well as the previous one. Some are not mentioned at all when they clearly had integral plot points in 1 (I.e. Zardom). Some things are done really well, like in the case of the children in the fort, or Zarik's involvement in Irissa's quest (one of the best side quests I've played in a long time), but those moments only serve to elevate the game to a 6/10.
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