Fallout 76: Wastelanders (2020 Video Game)
Real reviews
23 August 2023
After over a five hour update yesterday the game goes down again today for more maintenance. Maybe it should be called fallout 76 server maintenance game. When it mysteriously comes online you must try to get a few hours of play before the game goes back into maintenance again. Can Bethesda make a game with good graphics? Not so much...no. Can they make a game that's not designed by idiots? Well,...no they can't. Pistols do more damage than many rifles. Constant jumping with packs to shot enemies below with automatic weapons and constant immediate control of directional rise and fall of character...which is not possible but appeals to weak minded people. Jump shooting is infuriating and something fools do because they saw it in a video game. When developers create systems that rewards fools for doing something foolish and cause the person who didn't jump shoot to be frozen long enough to die from someone who thinks like an idiot. For the developers to create this exploit and then reward people for doing stupid things is just inconceivable. Why not make a game that rewards common sense or playing smart? Or is hiding behind a car door in a shootout going to be rewarded next? Power armor is so clunky and loud yet you force players to play in it because just carrying the bare minimum make you over incumbered. Then the power cell powering the suit goes out every 10 minutes. So no stealth or just don't ever pick anything up because you will be to heavy. It's amazing how people without brains can continue to exist. When your game itself is an insult to intelligence; please don't play a victim when those you insult expose you. Why not make a android explorer bot to follow you and will carry a large load back to camp or the nearest my stash location so your not constantly dealing with your carrying to much? Make the game easier to play the style you prefer rather than offsetting stupidity. Where weapons that have much higher damage are dropped while pistols damage is increased. Weapon swapping is so clunky and at time freezes..it's just mind boggling how bad something that could be so great is. New season content with 100 items to claim if you complete it and maybe two items that are interesting. Its more like being punished 98 times and two rewards. Your energy and direction your focused on is always not on what it should be on. It's like children who have never grown up and still operate in a child's mind or at least a teenagers mindset. If the developers would just make this one rule and stick to it; it would greatly increase how good they are. Don't do anything that is not quality that you wouldn't brag about. If it's less than quality than you don't do it. Stop hiring very low IQ future globalist slaves that are yes men who can't think for themselves and must be told what and how to think. Hiring someone to promote propaganda is a fools errand and will bankrupt any business following it. Like putting someone who has never been a doctor over the CDC like fauci. If your even pretending to do people right you never put the clueless person in charge but the most experienced. If you don't believe me than hire a homeless person to be in charge of your money. Or get marriage counseling from a ten year old..see how that works out for you. Going along with globalist agendas only guarantees failure and global slavery. Every push towards it only grows the snowball effect until it's to late to stop what's put into motion. This is a mindset that applies to everyone regardless if your making games or playing games like politics or professional liars. Want to see this series finally live up to the potential it has because it would literally be one of the best games ever created if you do. Winning the gold with bench warmers only works in Hollywood. Not settling for anything less than the best is the only way you will get there.
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