Supernatural (2005–2020)
Supernatural: A masterpiece of mixed emotions
7 December 2023

Two brothers follow their father's footsteps as hunters, fighting evil supernatural beings of many kinds, including monsters, demons, and gods that roam the earth.


Where would you even start? Anyone and everyone, incredible leads, solid regulars and some great one off cameos. No Paris Hilton, I'm not including you.


15 seasons, 15 years, 327 episodes, like it or hate it Supernatural was a remarkable success story made good mostly in my opinion by the fantastic cast who kept the show enjoyable because you came to care about them so much. This made even more intense by the fact any character was expendable, even if statistically the chances of them returning was still very high.

The show changed greatly over the years, for me the first 4 seasons were the best. They had wafer thin storylines and more focused on "Monster of the week" writing and I loved that. From season 5 onwards it become heavy focus on angels, demons, heaven, hell and that took it in a direction I wasn't overly keen on. But again, the cast were so great I soldiered on through and though surprisingly that focus never shifted it was still very enjoyable and regularly threw us old school standalone episodes and plenty of gimmicky ones (Most of which worked).

The perfect blend of comedy (With two guys with great natural timing especially Ackles), horror and drama though Supernaturals quality dips it never falls into the realms of being bad. Lowest episode I still rated a 6/10.

Which brings me to an apparently controversial one, most people despise the final episode in fact many dislike the last two. Me? I understand the hatred of the final one, but had no issue with it myself. Was it cheesy? Absolutely. Did it feel a tad tacked on? Yep. But it worked, it returned to the simple notion throughout the show that what they do is dangerous and any hunt they go on could be their last, it doesn't need to be a big-bad that brings about their end the death everyone seems upset by made sense to me as did the beautiful finale montage sequence. Did it do enough nods to previous characters? Absolutely not, however that was their episode, it was the end of their journey nobody elses.

And don't even get me started on the soundtrack, I'm of that right age, I'm a classic rock/metal fan and every episode was elevated by that. They always seem to pick the right song for the right moment, God Was Never on Your Side by Motorhead as the finale of Season 14 for example was fantastic. And Carry on my Wayward Son? What needs to be said about that masterpiece?

I love Supernatural, I'm a big Supernatural fan and always will be. I'm so happy I got to do that journey from the start and commend everyone involved.

Thank you Eric Kripke.


Who was your favorite character (Excluding Sam & Dean)? It's a tricky one isn't it, because there were so very very many. I adored Charlie, Bobby was a consistent joy but for me it was always Crowley. His unfortunate exit damaged the show for me, but the sheer quality overcame that. He was just, flawless. A couple of rants/monologues he did are among my all time favorite television show scenes. Can Mark Shepherd do wrong? If he can I've not seen it.


Leads are amazing Remarkably on point comedy Some great stories Incredible array of characters Best soundtrack ever Shows length is such an accomplishment Some ropey fight scenes A lot of repetitious melodrama A few poor writing decisions.
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