Doctor Who (2023– )
11 May 2024
Ok, it's clear this manifestation or DrWho has a decent budget, but what a waste. It's jarring to watch... Why does the Music woman have an overdubbed (and badly synchronised ) voice.

The whole Beatles section was uninteresting, unfunny and almost unwatchable. Clearly the generations of people who have grown up, sweaty-palmed behind the sofa, aren't the target for this new incarnation, which is a shame. Most of the earlier series managed to appeal to a multi-generational audience. My guess is that this will not appeal to the older generation who will switch off, and I'm by no means convinced it will attract the Gen Whatever it's supposed to appeal to.

Sorry Russell. Nil points from me (and not just because I can't wait for this to finish so I can watch Eurovision. Budget wasted. Not my thing.
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