Those About to Die (2024– )
I'm confused by the Cala character.
1 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Is Cala a Girl Boss? She weasels her way into Xanas' life, takes over the desk of his betting operation, and impresses everyone by conversing with several punters in their native tongues.

All the while, Tenax, who was initially written as the top-dog, on top of every situation and devising cunning responses to desparate situations, suddenly turned into Cala's lapdog, hanging off her every "new" suggestion to improve "his" betting business, like in-game betting, that Tenax rejects because it could cost him his business, but she went ahead and did behind his back while he was incapacitated!!! What was her motivation to do this, why was she obsessed with in-game betting? Don't know.

Cala is written as the moral centre of the show. She's only doing "bad things" to save her children.

Tenax, though, is not. He's just in it for the money, isn't he, a dirty capitalist, and Cala gets to look down on him and take the moral high-ground at every opportunity, and this even after she has witnessed Tenax helping the children by giving them work and putting food in their bellies.

So when Skorpus engineers the death of another Gold Faction chariot rider, and Tenax reluctantly supports him to keep the Gold Faction together, Cala takes the position that he should have sacked Skorpus! And delivers these lines as though she was scolding a naughty boy, and Tenax just sits their taking it!

I've given this show 7/10, it would be an 8 or a 9, but the way Cala is written (more 2024 than 79) just takes me out of the show.

Mores the pity.
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