Very Overrated
28 August 2024
It's gone too far. I predicted the twist in the first act. There's nothing all that original going on here and it cribs heavily from Tarantino's style of breaking up the film into (in this case out-of-order) "chapters."

The core premise of this film is so unbelievable and so un-backed by any historical evidence that it's borderline insulting.

Look, this movie was fun to watch for pure entertainment value, but it falls flat as any sort of allegory, "lesson" or statement on the culture it is so clearly trying to be. If anything, it is successful in subverting *most* viewers' expectations, but that's about it.

I'm really not feeling the love for this film and the gushing praise comes down to three things: 1) Recency bias (younger reviewers), 2) Cool filming technique and cinematography, and 3) The great job by whole cast.

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