In the firing squad scene, just before the mutiny, the ship's priest taps a crucifix upon his right hand, holding it in his left. As the shot cuts to a close-up of the cross, it instantly switches hands.
During the Odessa Steps sequence as the mother walks with her son towards the oncoming troops, a long shot shows as she approaches, the soldiers halt one flight of stairs above the one she is on. In the next shot, however, the soldiers are marching down another flight of stairs as if they were going to walk right past her. Then, in the next scene, they have stopped again and are on the same flight of stairs as if they hadn't moved at all.
After the woman with her son in her arms approaches the army in Odessa Steps sequence, she gets shot and falls backward with her son draped perpendicular across her. When the army marches down the steps after shooting the woman, the woman has turned 180 degrees, and her son is now lined up with her body.
Vakulinchuk is breathing slightly as his body lies in state.
It has been said that the real Battleship Potemkin does not appear on the film. Not so, the REAL Potemkin appears soon after the film begins for a very short time. It is the three funnels ship clearly seen before the actual story starts Also, after some time, the Potemkin appears very dark, with its three funnels although this scene seems to be a scale model floating on a pond. It has been thoroughly checked how the original Potemkin was and its most prominent feature is that it only has three funnels. There are also several scale models of this ship available both in cardboard and plastic confirming that the ship appearing on the film is actually the Potemkin either full size or scale model. .
In the Imperial squadron near the end of the film, there are close-ups of triple gun turrets of Gangut-class dreadnought. It possibly was made this way to show the power of Imperial fleet, but battleships of 1905 were much smaller pre-dreadnoughts, with twin turrets only, just like "Potemkin". "Ganguts" entered service in 1914.
A shadow of the camera, complete with an umbrella, can be seen during the scrolling shot of the Odessa Steps.