- Opening Title Card: Spain - - Springtime under the blue skies of Valencia - - cobbled streets and hanging balconies - hot sunlight and orange-blossoms - - the soft air drenched with sweetness -...
- Title Card: Through the fragrant valley about Alcira winds the Júcar; unruffled, placid now, but a raging torrent of death when the rains come down.
- Pedro Moreno: Dios mio! Are you a barber or a prima donna?
- Cupido: I am an artist! When art calls me, whiskers can wait!
- Doña Bernarda Brull: It breaks my heart to bring you sad news - - - But the heartless banker who advanced the money demands that you be put out of your home.
- Pedro Moreno: Señora, give us time! Leonora and I can sleep under the hedges, but my wife -...
- Doña Bernarda Brull: I will try to arrange for her to remain. She can scrub for her keep.
- Don Rafael Brull: Is honorable love a crime?
- Doña Bernarda Brull: Are you sure it is *honorable* love?
- Doña Bernarda Brull: Have you no respect for your mother - when I starve and slave - - To make you a great man - a deputy - like your sainted father!
- Don Rafael Brull: I don't want to be a saint! I want to be myself!
- Doña Bernarda Brull: The devil loves a beautiful woman - who is poor. My last peseta to keep him from you!
- Man in Audience: They say that after her father died, Salvatti trained her voice for nothing
- Isabella: Tenors never do anything for nothing.
- Title Card: HIs mother's choice - the gentle Remedies, heiress to the pork king.
- Title Card: Don Matías loved his daughter but the real passion of his life was hogs.
- Title Card: And so the great prima donna came home. Like the tail of a comet, her retinue streamed out behind...
- Don Matías: You ask too much - an extra hundred head of hogs in my daughter's dowry!
- Doña Bernarda Brull: But - consider my son!
- Don Matías: But - - consider my hogs!
- Title Card: Then a torrent - as furious and relentless as the passion that surged in the the hearts of the lovers.
- Cupido: The river is as mad as a wounded bull! Everything is going!
- Don Rafael Brull: Leonora! Is she safe?
- Cupido: The dam is leaking! Her house will be in the path of the torrent!
- Title Card: If time lets slip a little, perfect hour, Oh, take it - for it will not come again.
- Doña Bernarda Brull: Doña Pepa, disgrace has fallen on your house! Your daughter! My son was with her here last night - - until dawn!
- Don Rafael Brull: You are more beautiful than ever, Leonora! The years have passed you by.
- Leonora: It is the business of a prima donna to remain young.