Gene Morgan credited as playing...
Ben Smith
- Dan O'Connor: So, this is the pip you phoned about. Where did you pick her up?
- Ben Smith: I ran across her a long time ago. I've been saving her for a spot like this.
- Dan O'Connor: Can she croon? What I need's a crooner.
- Ben Smith: She can croon in a pinch. Who can't?
- Dan O'Connor: I got one good-looker eating her head off on me already. I don't know if I can use another.
- Ben Smith: All right, then. All right. I got three or four spots I can place this dame without half trying. Come on, baby.
- Ben Smith: What'd you say your name was?
- Helen Faraday, aka Helen Jones: Helen Faraday.
- Ben Smith: Nah. We gotta get something different. Something unusual. Something that's easy to say and hard to forget. Jones... I got it. Helen Jones.
- Helen Faraday, aka Helen Jones: But my name isn't Jones.
- Ben Smith: What of it? My name ain't Smith either, but I get by just the same, don't I?
- Nick Townsend: Say, O'Connor, I meant to call you up yesterday but I didn't get around to it. Miss Jones isn't going to work for you anymore.
- Dan O'Connor: What's the idea? She can't quit me like this.
- Ben Smith: Who's that?
- Nick Townsend: Nick Townsend. After me giving her all this publicity and workin' up a swell following for her?
- Nick Townsend: Do you happen to have a contract with Miss Jones?
- Dan O'Connor: Have you got that dame under contract?
- Ben Smith: Have I got a million dollars?
- Ben Smith: I'm no magician. I can't pick her out of the air. I've done my best to find her.
- Dan O'Connor: Did you try her home?
- Ben Smith: Sure, I tried her home, and I found out plenty. She's married.
- Dan O'Connor: Married?
- Ben Smith: And what's more, she's got a kid.
- Dan O'Connor: A kid?
- Ben Smith: And her husband's gone to Europe for his health.
- Dan O'Connor: For his health.
- Ben Smith: He sailed three weeks ago. She ain't been home all day and neither has the kid and nobody knows when she'll be back.
- Dan O'Connor: Maybe something's happened to them.
- Ben Smith: And me pickin' a winner for the first time this year. Blooey goes my fifteen percent. Why the next one I get, I'll nail down if I have to marry her.
- Ben Smith: Now, don't tell me you're working just for the love of your art. Who's your boyfriend?
- Helen Faraday, aka Helen Jones: I haven't any.
- Ben Smith: Will you work for $25 a week?
- Helen Faraday, aka Helen Jones: Oh, yes!
- Ben Smith: Well, you're in luck, baby. You came to the right man. I guess, maybe I can get you 30 or 40. I might be able to raise it to 50. That includes commission, of course. I generally get 20%, but seeing it's you, I'll make it 15. Is that okay?
- Helen Faraday, aka Helen Jones: Oh, yes!
- Ben Smith: You know that ain't a high commission considering the personal service I give my clientele. Why, the minute you put yourself in my hands, baby, your interests are closer to me than my own. Get me? Get up and walk around a bit. Let's see what you got.
- Helen Faraday, aka Helen Jones: What I've got?
- Ben Smith: Let's see your legs.
- Helen Faraday, aka Helen Jones: Is that enough?
- Ben Smith: For the time being.