Sidney Toler credited as playing...
Detective Wilson
- Detective Wilson: Terribly warm today, isn't it?
- Helen Faraday, aka Helen Jones: Warm? It's hot.
- Detective Wilson: You look as cool as a cucumber.
- Bartender Bringing Two Beers: What'll you have, folks?
- Helen Faraday, aka Helen Jones: I'll have some beer. Cold beer.
- Detective Wilson: Make it two.
- Helen Faraday, aka Helen Jones: What are you doing down here, big boy?
- Detective Wilson: Nothing much. Why?
- Helen Faraday, aka Helen Jones: You don't look like the kind of a man who comes down this way.
- Detective Wilson: Cigarette? I might ask you the same question.
- Helen Faraday, aka Helen Jones: Why?
- Detective Wilson: You don't look anything like these other women.
- Helen Faraday, aka Helen Jones: Give me time.
- Cora, Helen's Maid in New Orleans: Howdy, boss.
- Detective Wilson: Hello, Annie.
- Cora, Helen's Maid in New Orleans: Lookin' for somebody?
- Detective Wilson: No, nobody in particular. Why?
- Cora, Helen's Maid in New Orleans: Oh, I knows everybody in the street and thought maybe I might be able to help you out.
- Detective Wilson: No, I wasn't looking for anybody. Just browsin' around. Thanks just the same. Just browsin' around.
- Cora, Helen's Maid in New Orleans: Yes sir, boss, I can see that. Just browsin' around.
- Helen Faraday, aka Helen Jones: What did he say, Cora?
- Cora, Helen's Maid in New Orleans: He says he ain't lookin' for nobody. He's just browsin' around. But he can't fool me. No, sir. That white man's up to somethin'. I know when a white man's browsin' and when he ain't.
- Detective Wilson: What kind of business do you think I'm in?
- Helen Faraday, aka Helen Jones: Rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief...
- Detective Wilson: You're gettin' hot.
- Detective Wilson: You sympathize with her, don't you? Well, I don't. She ought to get wise to herself. The way she's living now isn't doing that kid any good. Some people might call it mother love, but I don't.
- Helen Faraday, aka Helen Jones: What does a man know about mother love?
- Detective Wilson: Mind if I take off my coat?
- Helen Faraday, aka Helen Jones: No. Make yourself at home.
- Detective Wilson: What's the matter, baby? Did I hurt your feelings?
- Helen Faraday, aka Helen Jones: I haven't got any anymore.
- Detective Wilson: Say, is that your kid?
- Helen Faraday, aka Helen Jones: I'll give you three guesses, Sherlock Holmes.
- Detective Wilson: Oh, you're Helen Faraday.
- Helen Faraday, aka Helen Jones: What a brain.
- Detective Wilson: Gee, what a chump I was. You pegged me right off the bat, didn't you?
- Helen Faraday, aka Helen Jones: Yes, I pegged you right off the bat. You've got your badge on your face, not under your coat. You and your whole crowd. You could never have caught me, not in a thousand years. And now get out, and don't forget to tell that husband of mine that I'm giving the kid up, not because he hounded me into it, but because I'm no good. You understand? No good at all. You get me? No good for anything... except to give up the kid before it's too late.
- Helen Faraday, aka Helen Jones: You've never had an idle day in your life. I can tell. You're a man who's been up and around. A go-getter, that's what you are.
- Detective Wilson: Say, you're a pretty smart girl, aren't you?
- Helen Faraday, aka Helen Jones: Am I?
- Detective Wilson: I'll have to hand it to her. I had her all sewed up in Baton Rouge or at least I thought so. But she leaves a hot trail behind her. The faster she has to travel, the faster she has to work. You ought to hear some of the suckers squawk. She takes them like Grant took Richmond. I was only one day behind her in Savannah. But she played a one-night stand on me and beat it down here, while I was following a chump steer all the way up to Memphis and back for the last month.
- Helen Faraday, aka Helen Jones: Come on, let's go.
- Detective Wilson: That's just what I was thinking. I'm getting sick and tired talking about that dame. Got anything to drink at home?
- Helen Faraday, aka Helen Jones: You better take something along.
- Detective Wilson: Hello, auntie. Just browsing around.
- Cora, Helen's Maid in New Orleans: Yes, suh, boss, I can see that.
- Detective Wilson: Make us a couple of highballs, auntie.
- Cora, Helen's Maid in New Orleans: Yes, suh.
- Helen Faraday, aka Helen Jones: [Detective Wilson moves in for a kiss] You seem to be in an awful hurry.
- Detective Wilson: Well, I ain't exactly got a lot of time on my hands.
- Helen Faraday, aka Helen Jones: I have.