3 of 4 found this to have none
China Doll's, (Jean Harlow) right breast is briefly seen when her shoulder strap slips down as Jamesy MacArdle (Wallace Beery) spins her across the room by the arm. This is not planned nudity but more of a wardrobe malfunction that is corrected quickly and naturally as her arm and body move around.
Some period fashions show cleavage and form but no nudity .
3 of 3 found this mild
A ship is boarded by pirates and there are some guns fired but no blood is seen.
During a storm at sea, a steamroller/grader breaks loose from it chains injuring some men on deck. Screaming in pain can be heard.
An injured crew member jumps onto a junk with a hand grenade, killing himself and destroying the pirates boat in the explosion. No blood is shown but some bodies fly in the explosion.
3 of 3 found this to have none
2 of 2 found this mild
One of the main characters makes it well known she has a certain type of cigarette she prefers.
There is alcohol served at dinners and crew tables.
One character is constantly drinking and always drunk and often makes a fool of himself through his actions.
A main character takes pills that make him tired and sleepy and he eventually "passes out" from ingesting them.
1 of 1 found this to have none