Harold Huber credited as playing...
Gen. Kaimura
- Gen. Kaimura: There is a fragile but durable beauty in you, Madam. Great Wall, yes, I see it each time I - I look at you, durable, lasting, as though you, like the Great Wall, have lived for centuries and will live on for centuries more. But it will not be so. The Great Wall shall crumble into dust! And from the dust will arise a new China.
- Kwan Mei: General!
- Gen. Kaimura: I will hold Asia and half the world in my hand like a bunch of grapes - to be ripened by the sun of heaven!
- Gen. Kaimura: What about my - companion?
- Lt. Shimoto: Well, there's a Mongolian girl.
- Gen. Kaimura: No good! She's empty. No culture!
- Lavara: Champagne! I haven't had champagne in months!
- Gen. Kaimura: There is much more in office. Perhaps later we will go up there and drink all you want.
- Lavara: I'm kind of thirsty.
- Gen. Kaimura: Lieutenant, release the young coolie. Release all the young coolies. Except, that tall one. Tall men are stupid. Shoot him.
- Gen. Kaimura: If only every Chinese were like you, Madam. Chungking could well take a lesson from you.
- Gen. Kaimura: Madam, I am overwhelmed. Oh, Lieutenant, may I present the Lady from Chungking, Madam Kwan Mei.
- Gen. Kaimura: Japanese planes!
- Kwan Mei: No, Flying Tigers.
- Gen. Kaimura: Let them come. They will be culled from the skies like dead flies.