Ginger Rogers credited as playing...
Dinah Barkley
- Dinah Barkley: You didn't want to go.
- Josh Barkley: Do you?
- Dinah Barkley: No.
- Josh Barkley: Then, why all the hesitation? All you have to say is, "I'm sorry, I can't make it" or something. You acted as flustered as a school girl at her first prom.
- Dinah Barkley: Well, you - you flustered me! What kind of talk is that? "Gotta go put on the old feedbag!"
- Josh Barkley: Aw, that fellow brings out the gangster in me?
- Jacques Pierre Barredout: We haven't met. I'm Jacques Barredout.
- Dinah Barkley: Oh, how do you do? Of course, I should have recognized you from your pictures.
- Jacques Pierre Barredout: I'm glad you didn't. They're frightful. The only good one I have is rather indecent, I'm afraid - taken on a bear skin rug at three months.
- Dinah Barkley: O, I have one of those too!
- Dinah Barkley: I really don't know what to think of Mr. Barredout. He said some of the silliest, most stupid things.
- Josh Barkley: Well, let's hear some of those silly, stupid things you were so afraid he'd repeat to me.
- Dinah Barkley: Well, if you really must know, he just *hated* the show.
- Josh Barkley: Oh! Did he! I'm glad. Now I know it's good.
- Dinah Barkley: Before I really went into the theater, in High School, I played Juliet. "Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou Romeo."
- Josh Barkley: Who played Romeo?
- Dinah Barkley: Mildred Higgins. She was quite...
- Josh Barkley: You couldn't walk across the stage without me. There isn't a gesture you do that I didn't teach you!
- Dinah Barkley: That's a lie!
- Josh Barkley: It took a lot of patience to put you where you are. I worked! I pulled things out of you. I molded you - like - like Svengali did Trilby!
- Dinah Barkley: Svengali!
- Josh Barkley: Yeah, the guy with the beard. That's me!
- Josh Barkley: What? What?
- Dinah Barkley: What's the matter?
- Ezra Miller: Nothing, I just thought I'd rescue you from that jungle of squares.
- Josh Barkley: Well, thanks pal.
- Dinah Barkley: I got in the most interesting conversation with Mister, eh, Monsieur Barredout. Allow me to present, Mousieur Barredout, Mister Husband.
- Josh Barkley: Barkley's the name.
- Jacques Pierre Barredout: How do you do?
- Josh Barkley: How do you do?
- Dinah Barkley: He says I'm a great tragic actress, wasted in musical comedy.
- Josh Barkley: You! A tragic actress! I'm glad you told me. Now, I know he's a complete imbecile!
- Dinah Barkley: I'm horrible. I'm just horrible! I know what let's do. Come on, now, hit me!
- Josh Barkley: In cold blood?
- Dinah Barkley: Well, come on, I deserve it.
- Josh Barkley: Aw, you look so brave. You didn't even ask to be blindfolded. I just can't!
- Dinah Barkley: I insist upon being punished!
- Josh Barkley: All right. All right! You asked for it!
- [gives Dinah a big kiss instead]
- Dinah Barkley: Oh, thank you, darling.
- Josh Barkley: Thank you!
- Josh Barkley: [singing] I thought you were fallin' for Andy MacPherson.
- Dinah Barkley: Ney, ney. He became an impossible person. But what about you and that Connie MacKenzie?
- Josh Barkley: She talked when I putted and drove me to frenzie. But what of the lad known as Bobby MacDougal?
- Dinah Barkley: It pays to be thrifty, but he was too frugal. And weren't ya daft about Megan McDerrmot?
- Josh Barkley: I tasted her cooking. T'would make me a hermit. How jealous I was of McDonald McCutcheon.
- Dinah Barkley: His neck had a head on, but there wasn't much in.
- Josh Barkley: And what about Sandy?
- Dinah Barkley: His hands were too handy. And wasn't there a Jenny?
- Josh Barkley: I'm not wantin' any. I'm not wantin' any but you...
- Dinah Barkley, Josh Barkley: [singing] A weekend in the country, Healthy and full of sport.
- Dinah Barkley: And then it isn't small potatoes
- Josh Barkley: When you get those fresh tomatoes.
- Ezra Millar: I've a list of fresh tomatoes, Suing me now in court!
- Ezra Millar: [singing] Ah, gimme the milk from the moo cow.
- Dinah Barkley: Of corn right from the field I'm fond.
- Ezra Millar: In town I'd be splurgin', On venison and sturgeon, Beside - a beautiful blonde...
- Dinah Barkley: He believes in me. He gives me confidence in myself. All you've ever done is tear me down, make me feel like a nobody, your little sidekick! "Can't even walk across the stage without you!"
- Josh Barkley: Right!
- Dinah Barkley: "Can't even make a gesture!"
- Josh Barkley: Correct.
- Dinah Barkley: Big, fat Svengali!
- Josh Barkley: You're darn tootin'!
- Josh Barkley: [on the phone pretending to be Jacques] Incidentally, while we're in rehearsal, I wish you wouldn't be so - demonstrative.
- Dinah Barkley: So - what?
- Josh Barkley: Demonstrative.
- Dinah Barkley: What do you mean?
- Josh Barkley: Well, throwing your arms around my neck and kissing me in front of the company is most embarrassing. We'll have none of that.
- Dinah Barkley: Why, Jacques?
- Josh Barkley: Discipline, you know.
- Dinah Barkley: Look, Josh, that wasn't just another squabble we had. Our break-up wasn't just a whim of the moment. It's been coming for a long, long time. It had to happen. You - you've been taking me for granted too long. I have to stand on my own two feet as a - as a person *and* as an actress. Until I do, I can't take time to think about - us - or anything connected with the future. And that's how its got to be.
- Josh Barkley: You really do mean it, don't you?
- Dinah Barkley: Yes, I do.
- Josh Barkley: Thanks for the dance.
- Josh Barkley: I hope you'll find your new director easier to get along with - than I was.
- Dinah Barkley: I doubt that. Good-bye.
- Josh Barkley: Good-bye.
- Dinah Barkley: Don't you even want to - shake hands?
- [imitating Josh imitating Jacques' French accent]
- Dinah Barkley: Perhaps you should not be quite so demonstrative. Throwing your arms around me and kissing me in front of all of those people. Discipline, you know. Discipline.
- Josh Barkley: Dinah, you know.
- [Dinah shakes her head "yes"]
- Josh Barkley: And - and you tortured me like this?
- Dinah Barkley: Just a little torture.
- Josh Barkley: You're such a wonderful girl. You're such a talented actress. Oh, your performance was magnificent! You don't know how great you are! I have an idea for play.
- Dinah Barkley: Darling, I don't want to do another play.
- Josh Barkley: No more dramas?
- Dinah Barkley: No biography.
- Josh Barkley: No messages?
- Dinah Barkley: No worrying about the plot!
- Josh Barkley: No?
- Dinah Barkley: No!
- Josh Barkley: Then we'll have nothing but fun set to music.
- Dinah Barkley: Yes!
- Josh Barkley: We'll have - tempo.
- Dinah Barkley: Yes!
- Josh Barkley: You know, that good ole tempo!
- [singing]
- Josh Barkley: Just give me that Manhattan Downbeat, That beats a tempo of its own, You've got to shout, "This is it!" The day you visit, The jumpin'est town has ever been known.