Peter Cushing credited as playing...
Victor Frankenstein
- Baron Frankenstein: Shall I tell you something, Paul? There you see the result of your handiwork as much as mine, I gave him life, I put a brain in his head, but I chose a good brain, a brilliant one. It was you who damaged it, you who put a bullet in the wretched thing. This is your fault, Paul! Do you understand that? Your fault.
- Paul Krempe: Yes I understand.
- Baron Frankenstein: But you won't win, Paul. And shall I tell you why you won't win? Because I shall carry on, if I can't cure it by brain surgery then I'll get another brain, and another, and another!
- Baron Frankenstein: Forget the whole. Now we must take the parts... limbs, organs, and then we must build.
- Paul Krempe: Build what?
- Baron Frankenstein: The most complex thing known to man: man himself.
- Baron Frankenstein: I told you I was the last state but one: the brain. A brain of superior intellect, a lifetime of knowledge already behind it. Imagine that, Paul. My creature will be born with a lifetime of knowledge!
- Paul Krempe: Victor, where will this brain to come from?
- Baron Frankenstein: ...I'll get it.