17 of 54 found this moderate
A man climbs into a harem of women. They wear bra and allude for him but nothing is shown afterwards.
4 teenage boys get into a car and all masturbate. No nudity.
Several scenes that focus on women's clothed backsides in close-up.
Numerous sexual references and innuendos throughout the film. Women wear revealing outfits and dance seductively, several sexual encounters implied or described, including a man having sex with 30 women, and another who was offered anal sex. Among many others.
A very young boy is walking around without pants in a very short scene, showing full frontal nudity.
A naked man is seen from behind standing up in a bathtub. His bare butt can be seen.
13 of 18 found this mild
A man causes an argument at dinner and forces the dinnerware off the table.
Fascist soldiers open fire on a bell-tower to pick off a gramophone that's playing undesirable music.
A man is violently interrogated by a fascist officer, and is physically forced to drink castor oil.
11 of 19 found this mild
Some language, a few "damn's", and "hells", two uses of the word fuck.
14 of 17 found this mild
Some civil drinking throughout the movie.
Some children are seen smoking privately, in a school bathroom.
Several people are seen incidentally smoking throughout the film.
11 of 17 found this mild
Rated R for sexual content and nudity
Man is verbally interrogated by a fascist officer and forced to drink castor oil.