The Death Collector (1976) Poster

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Far Exceeded My Low Expectations
stevedee3 December 2003
I saw a version of this in a 4 DVD Mafia collection put out by Brentwood and I have to admit that it was a good film. The quality was a little worse for the wear, but it was a well acted and realistic drama involving low level New Jersey gangsters. Pesci once again though, steels the show!
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Scorsese or Chase Fave?
maximumax23 January 2006
Has anyone ever read or heard comments by Scorsese or David Chase ( Soprano's Exec. Producer) about "Death Collector/Family Enforcer"? I bought the DVD after not having seen it for a while on cable (like 20 years), but having seen "Goodfellas" and the entire "Sopranos" run to date. In retrospect, both guys must have seen Death Collector/Family Enforcer and absorbed the flavor ,perhaps inspiring the tone for their masterworks, both of which the polar opposite of the romanticized Godfather trilogy. Being a Jersey guy, it is interesting to see how the Jersey meadowlands have evolved since the mid-70's. It is not the swampy dumping ground it used to be although once in a while a body will turn up in a local waterway. Also, it's a little bittersweet to seen a newly constructed World Trade Center in the across the river in the opening and closing scene. Who could have imagined?
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Really cheap...but surprisingly good.
planktonrules16 May 2019
"The Death Collector" is a very cheaply made film with mostly lesser-known actors although the posters play up Joe Pesci being in the film, as he became a huge star in later years. And, with such an inexpensive project, you expect the film to stink. However, oddly, it didn't. Now I am NOT saying it's a great film by any standard, but considering the costs involved the finished product has some merit.

Jerry Bolanti (Joe Cortese) is a young punk who wants to work his way up through the mob the quick way. Despite having little in the way of common sense, he manages to get a job as a debt collector and he seems well on his way up the chain of command. Suddenly, he's somebody. However, when one of his cases goes sour and nearly kills him, soon he's in serious trouble...and practically everyone seems ready to kill him!! What's next?

The worst thing about the film is its uneven acting. Some is quite good...some seems a bit amateurish. However, it's never dull...and that makes it worth seeing.

I should point out that this film is NOT for everyone. It's really violent and early in the film there is some pretty extreme nudity. Do not show it to your kids or Father O'Malley if he drops by for a visit!
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A very accurate depiction of small time mob life...
endem-111 June 2001
A very accurate depiction of small time mob life filmed in New Jersey. The story, characters and script are believable but the acting drops the ball. Still, it's worth watching, especially for the strong images, some still with me even though I first viewed this 25 years ago.

A young hood steps up and starts doing bigger things (tries to) but these things keep going wrong, leading the local boss to suspect that his end is being skimmed off, not a good place to be if you enjoy your health, or life.

This is the film that introduced Joe Pesce to Martin Scorsese. Also present is that perennial screen wise guy, Frank Vincent. Strong on characterizations and visuals. Sound muddled and much of the acting is amateurish, but a great story.
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No bad for a B-movie!
emuir-115 May 2005
I have have always loved B-pictures. Sometimes they are good, sometimes awful, and sometimes very interesting. they usually appear to have been made in someones apartment, or outside the back door, but hey, aspiring film makers have to learn somehow! This film is neither good, or bad, but is an interesting look at Joe Pesci before he became a star. There is no mistaking him - he dominates every scene he is in. His star potential obliterates the rest of the cast.

Other than that, the tea-cosy hair do's and atrocious 70's clothing make this an OK time waster. As it comes on a budget DVD with two other B pictures (one of them a C actually) I don't recommend renting it. Just buy the cheap DVD and watch it with friends one wet weekend.
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Rough around the edges but still effective
Don_Ron12 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
*** Warning: contains plot info and major spoilers!!! ***

Just saw this on DVD last night (from a mafia movie compilation) and it wasn't too shabby. I was hoping that the sound and picture would be enhanced but it wasn't, the film was grainy but I enjoy that. Overall, a good picture although some of the acting was poor. Then again, you don't really watch this type of film for the acting. The plot is simple and to the point: a guy wants to earn some money making collections for a local hood. He's supposedly one of the best but things just don't pan out too well for him. *** MAJOR SPOILER *** I felt bad for the guy getting whacked at the end. While he did screw things up, it wasn't all his fault. He made every effort to make things right but his boss basically kept his hands tied. Joseph Cortese played an excellent lead role in this film. Joe Pesci's role is a nice bonus to the film although his character is not as 3 dimensional as viewer's would like it to be. This is an excellent film for its time and holds a vital place in the anthologies of mob flicks. While the film looks old and cheesy in places (like watching Starsky & Hutch reruns), the violence is right in your face and some of the dialogue is perfect. The ending is very predictable but still entertaining. Any fan of mob movies will NOT be disappointed.
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Mostly Lacks Whack
TheFearmakers25 February 2024
The extremely low-budget of THE DEATH COLLECTOR should not be a detriment since it effectively provides an eerie realism to what's a potentially asphalt-gritty mob flick where relatively young climber Joe Cortese works collecting cash for lowly but still edgy crime boss Lou Criscuolo... both decent enough actors: The problem is what's missing: we never completely experience the thrills of collecting debts since it hardly ever occurs...

Indie horror flicks have creative methods of filming random killings because that can be afforded, and it's what kind of genre it is, but COLLECTOR merely aspires as a mob flick yet lacks the villainous fun in the process...

Perhaps because lead actor Cortese (with underused natural-beauty girlfriend Anne Johns) is too grim and one-note serious while his buddy... a non-famous Joe Pesci... is so natural, energetic and involving, he would've made a far better lead while sidekick's sidekick/comic-relief Bobby Alto would be promoted to second banana instead of third, because he and Joe's scenes (foreshadowing Pesci's witty back-and-forth with Frank Sivero in GOODFELLAS) are the only truly human moments...

Also featuring another future Martin Scorsese regular Frank Vincent, whose low-rent mafioso foreshadows his violently doomed fates in RAGING BULL, GOODFELLAS and CASINO...

Overall, THE DEATH COLLECTOR aka FAMILY ENFORCER has some terrifically shot sequences, and makes for a moody 1970's hybrid of Martin Scorsese and John Cassavetes... But its uneven story feels more pieced-together than fully realized: ultimately cheating both the characters and the audience.
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Not bad at all
Pluto_of_Pluto13 August 2004
This is not the best movie in the world, however, it does come in handy when one is looking for a way to waste time. For a cheesy 70s lowbudget mafia flick, it covers all the bases it needs to and nothing more. It doesn't need to. The best way to view it is to not expect much. This way you will be surprised at how decent a film this really is. The plot is simple. The guy becomes an enforcer for the mob, crosses his boss and his boss comes after him. The acting isn't great but it's far from terrible and the action sequences, while sometimes laughable, are really not too shabby. I would love to get more films like this. They are just very hard to find. Lowbudget cheese doesn't always make for a bad film.
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So BAD is really is BAD.
wolfdog24 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I have no idea who these others are but this movie is plain awful. They have to prop up Joe Pesci when he is a minor character. Bait and switch movie just like the studios did with Adam Sandler and Jim Carrey, etc. The DVD I watched states "this obscure gem revolves around JOe Pesci's MOB character who is a hothead that start a war" etc. etc. Joe plays the part of Joe, he does not even carry a gun, plays a whimpy character and gets SPOILER - (whacked). So much for the movie revolving around Pesci. The only halfway memorable scene was a bad attempt at comedy when they passed gas while waiting for a score. If you watch this movie after reading this, I warned you. Please stop and do not lose 87 minutes of your life.
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I'm living in a state of sin? I thought I was living in the state of New Jersey!
kapelusznik188 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Getting hired as a strong arm collector for the local Jersey Mob where he feels his talents will be much appreciated tough guy Jerry Bolanti, Joseph Cortese,is given the job by his boss Tony Ladavia, Lou Criscuola, to collect a debt of $28,000.00 from businessman Bernie Feldshun, Frank Vincent, for services rendered. That in regards to, whom Tony acted as a middle-man, supermarket owner Herb Greene, Jack Ramage. Bernie in giving Jerry a snow job in claiming him that he'll pay him later which he doesn't and ends up getting worked over by Jerry. Who by his rough actions instead of just getting the money peacefully is berated by his boss Tony for being too rough on him.

Tony as it turned out knew what he was talking about in that soon started the slow motion collapses and downfall of Jerry as well as his fellow mobster friends Joe & Serge, Joe Pesci & Bobby Alto, who were foolish enough to work for him. That had another victim of Jerry's brutal tactics store owner Izzy attacked in the bank parking lot, where he just withdrew $40,000.00, to be savagely beaten up and robbed by him together with Joe and left for dead there. Jerry who had earlier been shot and wounded by two hoods hired by Bernie who took off with the $28,000.00 he took from him. Now he ends up losing the $40,000.00 together with his two friends Joe & Bobby to hit-man Matley, Keith Davis. Its Matley who was hired,by persons unknown, to do a job on them as well as, for reasons not quite explained, both Greene as well as Bernie.

***SPOILERS*** Now all this killing on Jerry & Matley's part has become very personal with Joe & Bobby iced Jerry finds out by strong arming restaurant owner, by interrupting his pasta dinner, Spinoza-played by Frank Ammirati-who in fact contracted Matley to do a hit-job on them and where to find his secret hideout in the Meadowlands swamps and eventually setting him up in an ambush and whacking him. With what seems like his job as a collector on hold Jerry plans to take a trip to the Poconos with his live in girl friend Paula, Ann Jones, to chill out. Only to end up getting whacked himself when picking up the trailer that his good friend, who set him up, junk yard owner Gus, Sal Lapera, fixed up for him.

P.S Joe Pesci movie debut, in a credited role, that had him picked by both actor Robert De Niro and director Martin Scorscse to play a major role, Jack LaMatta's abused brother, in the movie "Raging Bull" and the rest is motion picture history.
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OK Mobster movie
arfdawg-112 February 2014
After being away for a couple of years, Jerry Bolanti is back in his tough, North Jersey neighborhood, close to swampy meadowlands where bodies get pulled from the trunks of cars and dumped.

He's short on cash, so a local boss, Anthony Iadavia, throws him some work - as a collector and a holdup man.

But Jerry's cocky and a hothead, so he makes enemies faster than he can deliver on the jobs.

Whatever bag or case of cash he touches doesn't seem to make it back to Iadavia.

But Jerry's resilient and persistent, so he just may get his revenge as well as a chance to go caravan camping with his girl.

Very poor production values and blurry / grainy as can be. Not sure if it was that way originally or something happened over the years.

It's an interesting little low budget film but no where near as violent as you'd expect from a mobster movie made in the mid-70s.

It's definitely worth a look, but be warned, its' rather slow.
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larrysmile15 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Very good 1970s movie about mob operations in New Jersey. When a "maverick" gangster doesn't play by the rules of the neighborhood, sooner or later, it's time for elimination.

Joe Pesci was true to his character -- smooth and funny. He only gets better with age. His face and present day fame should not have been used on the DVD cover to sell this "B" grade movie as he was only the third billed star.

Dated 1970's printed wide lapel shirts and lesser quality background music make for a distraction. Nice to see the 1970's big cars.

However, the acting is good.

Nakedness on the part of Anne Johns was not needed to make this mob story work. And, she does not show up in the database as every acting again in any film other than this one. Too bad; she did a good job!

Moral of the story: Don't get your "Don" upset with you.

If you are wanting to see something different when you wake up in the middle of the night then check out this DVD. It was part of a three-movie-on-one DVD $5.88 special at the local discount store.
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Low budget, but great actors
alucinecinefago26 May 2020
The following review is an extract from the book "Mafia films - a guide", which is now available on Amazon. This book is very interesting not only for gangster movie lovers, but also for people who like to read about real Mafia history and facts, as the real events in which some of the movies are based are also analyzed.

"In this modest, low-budget gangster film by a director who would never go behind the cameras again, two greats of the genre made their big-screen debut: the famous Joe Pesci (as Joe) and Frank Vincent (as Bernie). Robert De Niro, who two years earlier had played the young Vito Corleone in "The Godfather II" (F.F. Coppola, 1974) saw the film and perceived the great potential of both actors. Pesci and Vincent were recommended by De Niro to Martin Scorsese for the cast of "Raging Bull" (audiovisual biography of boxer Jake La Motta, to be released in 1980). From then on, Pesci and Vincent would become inseparable casting partners for De Niro, and regular collaborators of Scorsese; shining especially with their roles in "Goodfellas" (1990) and "Casino" (1995). These Mafia-themed masterful epos are in every respect far above the movie we are dealing with now, but it is nonetheless interesting to see the Pesci/Vincent duo in their film debut, in their first accredited roles in a genre in which they would both specialize over the years.

"The Death Collector" tells the story of Jerry, a young man who is willing to do anything to succeed in the dangerous world of the Mafia. As is often the case, he must face both the members of rival families... and the intrigues and betrayals of those he considers his friends. For, as Scorsese will show us later in "Goodfellas," the killer always comes with a smile, and the one who's trying to kill you, or who's plotting your death, may be the one you least expect...

The whole film is a big flashback, starting with the same scene as the one at the end: a boss supervises how several of his men take a body out of the trunk of a car to bury it. The identity of the dead man, unknown at first, will be revealed at the end. Although the predominant tone is dramatic, reflecting the usual conflicts of the genre such as honour, loyalty and betrayal (all seasoned with large doses of violence), there is also room for light-hearted scenes of a humorous nature."
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Pretty Well Made
Hitchcoc17 November 2006
I don't know if it's fair for me to review this. I'm not a fan of gratuitous violence. I've never understood the movie industry making heroes out of mob members and cold blooded killers. When The Godfather came out, I thought they had broken the mold, but the decades have produced a series of well-acted mob movies with major stars and directors doing them. This one is obviously low-budget, but it is certainly well done. At some point in all of these I feel like I want to take a shower. If such characters actually exist, it is hard for the soul. I always intellectualize that humankind will rise above this sort of thing. This kind of crud has to be stopped. I hope the people that go to films like this are more voyeuristic and less vicarious. I feel sort of the same way about slasher movies. Why do we have a fascination with death and dismemberment? In fairness, I am judging this on the acting and directing, and for what it is, it seems to work pretty well.
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Not bad movie.
JohnnyStar_00731 October 2019
I own this on 2005 release DVD of by Mill Creek Entertainment "Gangsters - 20 Movie Pack" and one with Telly Salavas on the front cover who is the star from "Crime Boss"(1972). I know this title called "Family Enforcer" and my DVD collection come with "The Death Collector" (this title better).

So, anyway this is not bad of mafia crime drama movie and so not bad of the casts and I never heard rest of the actors this movie except Joe Pesci who before Oscars winner is the co-star this movie and also Frank Vincent in it (later Frank Vincent and Joe Pesci did more film together but they not sharing scene together). Good movie and great of the violence every scene except Jerry Bolanti (actor Joseph Cortese) shot hitman named Marley is the best scene ever.
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One of the best Mafia movies EVER
Cameron_Moltisanti2 October 2008
Out of all the Mafia movies i have ever seen this is one of the best for many reasons. The acting from Pesci, Cortese and Vincent. The story is one of the best ever (In the mafia genre), as it realistic. The characters are people that lots of other people can relate to. This movie is also great as it's dialogue is good. It also has very realistic fights and action scenes. This movie also launched the careers of Pesci and Vincent. If it weren't for the success of this film, Casino and Goodfellas might not have been as good as they were.

Story 10/10 Acting 9/10 Realism 10/10


My fave Mafia movies are

1: Goodfellas 2: Casino 3: The Godfather Trilogy 4: Family Enforcer (The Death Collector) 5: The Sopranos (I know it isn't a movie)
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Good but could have been better with a different lead
dbborroughs6 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Low level mafia connected guy from New Jersey wanders back into town and asks to be set up with some work. The guy he asks the favor of is reluctant because he doesn't like his ethic of making a lot of money and then disappearing until he needs more. Eventually coming around our hero gets work and hooks up with another mob guy played by Joe Pesci. Unfortunately our hero's temper and lack of good judgment gets him some enemies and it soon becomes clear that he's his own worst enemy. Good mob movie was apparently a one shot deal from its director who died in the early 80's. It's a shame because the film has a nice sense of place lacking from most big budget films. It's the sort of thing you stumble on when channels surfing on a rainy weekend. If there is anything wrong with the film it's with our hero who is a nice guy, but clearly has a death wish since he is constantly doing things that tick people off starting with beating up a mafia don's nephew for the hell of it. Watching the film you can see he's doomed from the start and it's all his own doing so the film becomes a vigil waiting for the other shoe to drop. This doesn't mean the film is bad, its not, its just that it could have been better. (Perhaps if they had cast Joe Pesci in the lead, since he's infinitely more charismatic then the guy who was cast.
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Goodfellas meet The Sopranos
longislandlloyd31 May 2005
So ya think you've seen every Mafia movie ever made! Here's one that nobody every heard of. It's a low-budget, quickie B-movie - shot in the swamps of Jersey. For us mob-movie fans, it had a little bit of everything - sex, violence, cursing, and wise guys acting like "gafones". While violence dominated the movie, I found myself laughing at some familiar scenes I've since seen on The Sopranos and Goodfellas. Look for a 1977 version of the "Badabing Girls" in the beginning of the movie.

All our favorite mobster stereotypes were featured here. And, as for realism, "fugettaboutit"! Joe Pesci was superb, portraying the classic wise-guy character like we seen him do so many times over the years. This was probably his first shot, and it was a gem. Pesci fans should run to the video store to check out this flick. You have to look carefully for it since it goes by different names. My copy called it "The Family Enforcer". Here it is known as "The Death Collector". But whatever name it goes under, it's should be called - A Winner.
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Low budget, but highly watchable
Twins6529 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
***1 Spoiler ahead***

I recently saw this movie on a DVD, which was obviously produced to capitalize on Joe Pesci's stardom (he's all over the packaging, yet is a central but relatively secondary character in the film). That said, it's well worth the time to watch Joe in it. The film print quality would have to be characterized as fair/poor, but it's a decent story, and it's fun to see Joe P. "back-in-the-day". His acting style was top-notch right from the get-go.

The background music sounds like stuff rejected from your average "Streets of San Francisco" episode, and the acting is a little suspect in spots, but check it out anyway.

Look for "Billy Batts" from Goodfellas...he gets it again, only this time on the toilet.
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"I'm sorry, but I lied about the gun".
classicsoncall9 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
So I think I discovered a movie sub-genre here that I'll call the 'bada-bing' film. Released four years after "The Godfather", arguably one of the best films of all time, someone would consider it a good idea to come up with an Italian mobster flick called "The Death Collector". I don't have any idea how many Godfather knock-offs there might have been, but if this were the only one (besides II and III), it would have been one too many.

I've read with interest all of the other reviewers on this site, and it's curious to me that not many of them consist of more than a few sentences. Maybe because no one could follow this story? Let me boil it down for you. Jerry Bolanti (Joseph Cortese) figures muscle is more important than brains and alliances, and goes calling on a twenty seven thousand dollar debt from Bernie Feldshuh (Frank Vincent). Bernie pays off after some coaxing (doors pulled off his house), but figures he'll go after both Jerry and businessman Herb Greene who hired him. Jerry gets semi-whacked (doesn't die), while Bernie hires Spinoza (Frank Amirrati) who then hires Sam (?) to knock off Greene and the secretary who would have been a witness. Still with me?

To keep the mean streets from boiling over, Jerry's benefactor Anthony (Lou Criscuolo) the pizza shop guy, knocks off Bernie and his bodyguard for all the trouble they were causing. Upon recuperating from his injuries, Jerry teams up with mobster Joey Ubanz (Joe Pesci) and his partner Serge (Bobby Alto), both of whom get knocked off by Sam. A confrontation between Jerry and Sam in the shadow of the Twin Towers and the New Jersey Meadowlands might have been the end of the story, except for what follows. I could give it away, and you could probably figure it out, but to be absolutely sure of the ending, you'll have to catch the film.

Notwithstanding the convoluted story line, here's what else I learned - room service doesn't have hookers, and you don't throw peanuts at lounge singers. As for Joe Pesci, yeah, he's in the picture. But don't take it on faith that he makes the picture like other reviewers on this board have stated. I mean, really, he got whacked like everybody else.
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Underrated crime drama presages Goodfellas
vince-3823 February 1999
Surprisingly good "Mean Streets"-type crime drama. Foreshadows elements of "Goodfellas" and "Casino". Joe Pesci's first big role. Clever dialog. I think the Maltin guide gives this a bomb rating. I can only guess no one actually bothered to watch it.

Saw this at Tarantino's film fest and he said Scorsese used a number of these actors in Raging Bull.
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excellent and authentic
moosemambo12 December 2008
a very surprisingly underrated movie. very realistic. and authentic .with great Dialogue. being Italian, i can definitely relate to the situations and phrases used. I thought Joe Cortese was great. as a crazy mob cowboy type, and pesci and Vincent were great also. I liked the actor Criscuolo who played the boss. He was very authentic. i think the director Ralph devito was on his way to great things , but was cut down too early , maybe because he knew too much. i thought it was great. it deserved more airplay and recognition. it was a sleeper movie. great. very good. it really had good authenticity. it was well done.
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A diamond in the rough among mob movies
leakyloungelizard2 July 2002
It was an interesting and entertaining movie well worth watching. The acting was decent but it may be out of date for some people. I was glad to see cast members of such highly acclaimed movies as "Raging Bull" and "Goodfellas" in this movie A great and dramatic ending and pretty good writing.
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I agree, this movie is underated.
lumpy-523 March 1999
I agree with Vince, this movie paved the way for Goodfellas. The scene where Pesci was throwing peanuts at the piano player reminded me of his "How am I funny?" routine in Goodfellas. This is a highly underrated film and deserves some attention. As with many other mob films, the theme of The Death Collector rings true: Always respect the Don.
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Underrated, obscure gem!! FOUR STARS!!
A.Rausch29 March 1999
THE DEATH COLLECTOR is truly a wonderful film. Labeled as a MEAN STREETS ripoff, it has some really great stuff in it. A lot of the stuff in this movie would later be used by Scorsese himself, including the actors - Joe Pesci, Frank Vincent, etc.
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