When Wonder Woman runs, she wears flat boots. When she stands still or walks, she is suddenly wearing high-heeled boots.
In the pilot, Queen Hippolyta refers to Diana as her "only begotten daughter." Four episodes later, the audience meets Druscilla--her other begotten daughter.
Several times during the second and third seasons, Diana makes reference to meeting people at a point in time before she re-entered the outside world.
Whenever Wonder Woman jumps from the ground to a roof or ledge a stuntwoman jumps from the height to the ground and the film is reversed. This results in innumerable shots of Wonder Woman's hair blowing up in the same direction as the jump.
When Wonder Woman is carrying someone in the traditional "Arms Carry", a rolling table which should be out of frame, is used for the actor being carried to sit on, alleviating the weight. This method was used in many episodes in which Wonder Woman carries someone, and in The Deadly Toys episode, the table can actually be seen.
Throughout the first season, secondary characters and extras sport hairstyles and sometimes clothing that looked more from the 1970s, when the series was filmed, than from the 1940s, in which the series was set.
In nearly all his appearances General Blankenship is shown with gold, leaf-shaped embellishments on the visor of his uniform cap. These were not part of the Army's uniform during WWII. The US Army did not adopt these for senior officer's hats until they switched to the (then) new, green uniforms, around 1958.
IADC headquarters is supposed to be in Washington, D.C. However, the California state flag can be frequently seen flying in front of the headquarters building, giving away the fact that the show is filmed in California.