Star Wars: Épisode IV - Un nouvel espoir (1977) Poster

Anthony Daniels: C-3PO



  • [R2-D2 and Chewbacca are playing the holographic game aboard the Millennium Falcon] 

    Chewbacca : Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrgh!

    C-3PO : He made a fair move. Screaming about it can't help you.

    Han Solo : Let him have it. It's not wise to upset a Wookiee.

    C-3PO : But sir, nobody worries about upsetting a droid.

    Han Solo : That's 'cause droids don't pull people's arms out of their sockets when they lose. Wookiees are known to do that.

    Chewbacca : Grrf.

    C-3PO : I see your point, sir. I suggest a new strategy, R2: let the Wookiee win.

  • C-3PO : We seem to be made to suffer. It's our lot in life.

  • C-3PO : Just you reconsider playing that message for him!

    [R2 beeps a question] 

    C-3PO : No, I don't think he likes you at all.

    [R2 beeps again] 

    C-3PO : No, I don't like you either.

  • [repeated line] 

    C-3PO : We're doomed.

  • [repeated line] 

    C-3PO : [to R2-D2]  This is all your fault.

  • C-3PO : Don't call me a mindless philosopher, you overweight glob of grease.

  • C-3PO : Is there anything I can do?

    Luke Skywalker : Not unless you can alter time, speed up the harvest or teleport me off this rock.

  • C-3PO : I would much rather have gone with Master Luke than stay here with you. I don't know what all this trouble is about, but I'm sure it must be your fault.

    [R2 beeps an angry response] 

    C-3PO : You watch your language!

  • [last lines] 

    C-3PO : You must repair him! Sir, if any of my circuits or gears will help, I'll gladly donate them.

    Luke Skywalker : He'll be all right.

  • C-3PO : Where could they be?

    [R2 beeps at him] 

    C-3PO : Use the comlink? Oh my! I forgot, I turned it off.

    [over the comlink] 

    C-3PO : Are you there sir?

    Luke Skywalker : 3PO?

    C-3PO : We've had some problems...

    Luke Skywalker : [interrupting]  Will you shut up and listen to me! Shut down all the garbage mashers on the detention level, will ya? Do you copy? Shut down all the garbage mashers on the detention level! Shut down all the garbage mashers on the detention level!

    C-3PO : [to R2-D2]  No! Shut them *all* down, hurry!

    [R2 shuts down the compactors] 

    Luke Skywalker : What? HAHA! Hey, you did it 3PO!

    [Luke, Leia and Han start laughing hysterically; it sounds like screaming] 

    C-3PO : Listen to them, they're dying R2! Curse my metal body, I wasn't fast enough, it's all my fault! My poor Master.

    Luke Skywalker : 3PO, we're all right! We're all right! Ha ha! Hey, open the pressure maintenance hatch on unit number... where are we? 3263827!

  • [first lines] 

    C-3PO : Did you hear that? They shut down the main reactor. We'll be destroyed for sure. This is madness.

  • [C-3PO is tangled up in wires after a run-in with tie fighters] 

    C-3PO : Help! I think I'm melting! This is all your fault!

    [R2-D2 makes a series of beeps that sound like chuckling] 

  • C-3PO : That malfunctioning little twirp, this is all his fault.

  • C-3PO : There'll be no escape for the princess this time.

  • C-3PO : R2D2 where are you?

  • C-3PO : Now don't you forget this! Why I should stick my neck out for you is far beyond my capacity!

  • Luke Skywalker : What are you doing hiding back there?

    C-3PO : It wasn't my fault, sir, please don't deactivate me. I told him not to go, but he's faulty, malfunctioning. Kept babbling on about his mission.

  • C-3PO : I've just about had enough of you. Go that way. You'll be malfunctioning within a day, you near-sighted scrap pile. And don't let me catch you following me begging for help because you won't get it.

  • C-3PO : [seeing a metalic transport craft shining in the distance]  Wait a minute... What's that? A transport? I'm saved!

    [waving his arms wildly; shouting] 

    C-3PO : Over here! Hey! Hey! Help! Please, Help!

  • Uncle Owen : I suppose you're programmed for etiquette and protocol.

    C-3PO : Protocol? Why, it's my primary function, sir. I am well-versed in all the customs...

    Uncle Owen : I have no need for a protocol droid.

    C-3PO : Of course you haven't, sir, not in an environment such as this. That's why I have been programmed...

    Uncle Owen : What I really need is a droid who understands the binary language of moisture vaporators.

    C-3PO : Vaporators? Sir, my first job was programming binary load lifters, very similar to your vaporators in most respects.

    Uncle Owen : Can you speak Bocce?

    C-3PO : Of course I can, sir, it's like a second language to me. I was...

    Uncle Owen : All right, shut up.

    [to the Jawas] 

    Uncle Owen : I'll take this one.

    C-3PO : Shutting up, sir.

  • C-3PO : Master Luke, sir. Pardon me for asking, but what should R2 and I do if we're discovered here?

    Luke Skywalker : Lock the door.

    Han Solo : And hope they don't have blasters.

    C-3PO : That isn't very reassuring.

  • C-3PO : We've stopped. Wake up! Wake up!

    [R2D2 beeps] 

    C-3PO : We're doomed.

  • C-3PO : [translating for R2]  He says he's found the main control to the power beam that's holding the ship here; he'll try to make the precise location appear on the monitor.

    [a diagram of the power terminal appears on the screen] 

    C-3PO : The tractor beam is coupled to the main reactor in seven locations. A power loss at one of the terminals will allow the ship to leave.

  • C-3PO : And I am C-3PO, human-cyborg relations. And this is my counterpart R2D2.

  • C-3PO : [to R2-D2]  "What message"? The one you've just been playing. The one you're carrying inside your rusty innards.

  • Luke Skywalker : Boy, am I gonna get it. You know, that little droid's gonna cause me a lot of trouble.

    C-3PO : Oh, he excels at that, sir.

See also

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