California Hôtel (1978) Poster

Jane Fonda: Hannah Warren



  • Hannah Warren : You're worse than a hopeless romantic. You're a hopeful one.

  • Hannah Warren : Fit? You think I look fit? You awful shit, I look gorgeous!

  • Bill Warren : I don't even have a pill in my medicine cabinet and I gave up analysis.

    Hannah Warren : I heard that. Why did you quit?

    Bill Warren : I went sane.

    Hannah Warren : Sane? My God, how boring.

  • Bill Warren : Mate-wise? Mate-wise I'm seeing a very nice girl.

    Hannah Warren : Are you? Seeing her to where?

  • Bill Warren : Jenny is our daughter. Ours.

    Hannah Warren : Maybe. We'll see. They've been a little slow with the blood tests.

  • Hannah Warren : I suppose if Jenny stays she'll grow up to look like that. Blonde hair. Blonde teeth. Blonde life.

  • Hannah Warren : [sarcastically]  I love your California clothes.

    Bill Warren : They're Bloomingdales of New York.

    Hannah Warren : That's the best place for California clothes.

  • Hannah Warren : Jenny tells me you've moved. You're not in Hardy Canyon anymore.

    Bill Warren : Laurel. Laurel Canyon.

    Hannah Warren : Laurel. Hardy. What the hell.

  • Bill Warren : Would you believe I run five miles every morning?

    Hannah Warren : After what?

    Bill Warren : After a good night's sleep.

  • Bill Warren : Jenny tells me you have a new boyfriend.

    Hannah Warren : No. I have a lover. Jenny has boyfriends.

  • Bill Warren : What the hell are you so bitter about? You used to be bright and witty and now you're just snide and sarcastic.

    Hannah Warren : It comes with age. When you don't have a fastball anymore, you go to change-ups and sliders.

  • Bill Warren : Would you like to know what Jenny has to say about you?

    Hannah Warren : She told me. She thinks I'm a son-of-a-bitch. She also thinks I'm a funny - son-of-a-bitch. She loves me; but, she doesn't like me. She's afraid of me. She's intimidated by me. She respects me; but, she doesn't want to become like me. We have a perfectly normal mother-daughter relationship.

  • Bill Warren : Why didn't you ever run for office, Hannah? I always thought you'd a made a helluva Governor.

    Hannah Warren : I don't think a democratic system really works. Offer me a monarchy and we'll talk.

  • Hannah Warren : When you haven't seen your ex-husband in nine years, your eyes have to... adjust.

  • Hannah Warren : God, you look so - I don't know. What is the word I'm looking for?

    Bill Warren : Happy.

    Hannah Warren : Casual! - - You never know out here. Are you dressed up now or is that sporty?

  • Hannah Warren : You drive everywhere, do you?

    Bill Warren : Everywhere.

    Hannah Warren : Even to your car?

  • Hannah Warren : Christ, five million cigarettes are murder on the lungs.

    Bill Warren : When you were younger you were the healthiest girl I knew. What happened?

    Hannah Warren : With Nixon in the White House, good health seemed to be in bad taste.

  • Hannah Warren : Your friend is a size too small for me.

    [inspects bathing suit] 

    Hannah Warren : How does she fit you?

  • Bill Warren : Do you really think she has that devious a mind?

    Hannah Warren : Of course - she's my daughter!

  • Bill Warren : You're not the same woman I left nine years ago.

    Hannah Warren : And I have the missing ovaries to prove it!

  • Bill Warren : This is a new color for you: vulnerable.

    Hannah Warren : Well, take a picture of it, 'cause you're not going to see it again.

  • Bill Warren : If we're going to banter like this give me a minute. After nine years I'm a little rusty.

    Hannah Warren : Oh, don't worry. You'll pick it right up again. It's like french. See, that's what I'd miss if I ever left New York. The bantering.

    Bill Warren : San Francisco's only an hour away. we go up there and banter in emergencies.

    Hannah Warren : I never liked San Francisco. I was always afraid I'd fall out of bed and roll down one of those hills.

    Bill Warren : Not you, Hannah. You roll up hills.

    Hannah Warren : Oh, good. You're bantering; the flight out wasn't a total loss.

  • Hannah Warren : I'm out of cigarettes. I can't be expected to give up my daughter and cigarettes in the same day.

  • Hannah Warren : Come in.

    Room Service : One double scotch, one tea with lemon.

    Hannah Warren : [reads the bill]  Six dollars and ninety-five cents?

    Room Service : Yes, ma'am.

    Hannah Warren : Is it possible just to rent a couple of drinks?

  • Hannah Warren : No, awful. I can't wait to get out of here. It's like paradise with a lobotomy.

  • Hannah Warren : Can you save the erotic conversation until it can do us both some good?

  • Hannah Warren : Your tan, of course, is perfect. I always wondered how you got the back of your ears so dark.

    Bill Warren : You put the top of your car down and drive away from the Sun.

  • Hannah Warren : You have changed, Billy. You know, you don't get rattled as easily as you used to.

    Bill Warren : Well, they don't have as many rattlers out here.

    Hannah Warren : Maybe this lunch won't be as dull as I thought.

  • Hannah Warren : No cigarettes either?

    Bill Warren : No. I gave them up eight years ago.

    Hannah Warren : Don't you miss the coughing and the hacking in the morning?

  • Hannah Warren : Our past sins do have a way of catching up with us.

  • Hannah Warren : I don't know if your bitterness is because Jenny ran away or if because she ran away to somebody whose life style epitomizes everything you consider cheap and banal.

    Bill Warren : I don't have a life style. I have a life.

  • Bill Warren : She's not happy in New York, Hannah.

    Hannah Warren : Nobody's happy in New York but they're alive.

    Bill Warren : What a snob you are.

    Hannah Warren : Thank God there's a few of us left.

  • Bill Warren : If you respect Jenny as a person, you respect her right to make a free choice.

    Hannah Warren : You get her for the summers, that's enough. It takes me the other ten months of the year to get the seaweed out of her brains.

  • Hannah Warren : Despite her Gothic reports, she is not living the life of Jane Eyre.

  • Hannah Warren : Why do men have to get better looking when they get older. Remind me to bring it up with the Equal Rights Commission.

  • Hannah Warren : We shouldn't have had Jenny. People like you and me are too selfish.

  • Hannah Warren : For a smart lady in a man's world, I'm not doing so bad.

  • Bill Warren : This is an event. It's the first time in my life that I have seen you so nervous.

    Hannah Warren : I'm not nervous. I'm scared to death.

See also

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