Author of A Tale of Two Cities ... Charles Dickens
Foreez ... A Jolly Good Fellow
In case of tornado ... Southwest corner of basement
Generally in charge of a lot of things ... Mike Finnell
The closing credits are followed by a brief scene of California tax revolt leader Howard Jarvis in the abandoned taxi from earlier in the film, still waiting for the driver to come back and saying "Well, I'll give him another twenty minutes, but that's it!"
Worst Boy ... Adolf Hitler
This motion picture is protected under the laws of the United States and other countries. Unauthorized duplication, distribution, or exhibition may result in civil liability or criminal prosecution. So there.
Thirteenth President of the United States ...... Millard Filmore
Utility Infielder Felix Mantilla
Gripology ... Pete Papanickolas
The end credits added the words "So there." to the end of the anti-piracy warning at the end of the film. The directors said in the DVD commentary that the FBI contacted them to indicate their disapproval of this, and asked for these words to be removed and the film re-issued. However, the film had already been distributed widely at this point and recalling all copies was not feasible.